Could be Interesting- Queensryche with Todd La Torre

I'm not sure how that's different than a tribute band. His voice is QR. Without him, it's three run of the mill 50 year old musicians, who were once the three least important parts of a band that was great 20 years ago. I'm really not sure why anyone would think that anything of interest would all of a sudden come forth. If those three guys had anything to say musically, would they really have had to bring in someone else to write O:McII?

As always, to each their own. But I can't say I'm interested in anything these guys put out, regardless of who they're paired with.
I see your point, Greg. But...IMHO Tate is a dictator and his disdain for hard rock/metal came right from his own mouth. If it takes Todd LaTorre to help right the ship, then so be it. I'd rather have a band that catches some of the past glories than to have QUEENSRYCHE sink even lower still. If that's possible. IMHO, to put it in simple terms. Something is better than nothing.
there is video surfacing from last nights show. This is the best quality-wise. Todd nails it! And look at Wilton's face! When's the last time you saw him smiling like that on stage???

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Tate is an arrogant bastard, so I don't blame the other three for venturing off to try to have some fun again. I by no means view Tate as Queensryche. He was a great vocalist back in the day, but no better than Halford, Dickenson or Ronnie James. Quite frankly, if the rest of the band ousted his ass and still kept the name Queensryche...I'd actually be interested in them again.

Tate is an arrogant bastard, so I don't blame the other three for venturing off to try to have some fun again. I by no means view Tate as Queensryche. He was a great vocalist back in the day, but no better than Halford, Dickenson or Ronnie James. Quite frankly, if the rest of the band ousted his ass and still kept the name Queensryche...I'd actually be interested in them again.


Rising West made their live debut last night (Friday, June 8th) at the Hard Rock Café in Seattle, WA.

The band performed the following songs:
'Queen of the Reich'
'Walk In the Shadows'
'En Force'
'Child of Fire'
'The Whisper'
'The Needle Lies'
'Take Hold of the Flame'
'My Empty Room'
'Eyes of a Stranger'

'Wrathchild' (IRON MAIDEN cover)
'Roads to Madness'

More video available here:
Blabbermouth reporting that Queensrÿche members are unable to make the show in SLC tonight. Geoff is planning to "rock" today at the show (presumably with his solo band.)

Turn out the lights...
This: [ame][/ame]
OR this: [ame][/ame]
Does NOT equal:
End of story for me.
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The problem with this argument is you're using two live videos and comparing it to an old music video with a studio track, but I get your point. Neither of these bands are going to be equal to Queensryche in their prime; however, I would much rather have Rising West who are trying to do what Queensryche was best at than Tate who has no clue what he wants to do musically.
Does anyone have insight into why DeGarmo gave it up? I know he is a pilot now, so maybe he just saw the decline of his band and the whole genre and decided to follow another dream?
Does anyone have insight into why DeGarmo gave it up? I know he is a pilot now, so maybe he just saw the decline of his band and the whole genre and decided to follow another dream?

Not sure, but if I were to guess, I would say touring is probably the leading candidate in terms of why he stopped.
their name sucks, period. yeah, i am bringing that back.

I talk about this with all my friends when it comes to bands and writing music and the expectation of fans. "Does anyone have insight into why DeGarmo gave it up?" this question is key. The man gave us FIVE CLASSIC metal releases that we are still discussing 20 years later. Do we really think that musicians or artists for that matter have the ability to entertain us for their lifetime?

One of the most impressive things i have heard an artist say was David Gilmour when asked about why he walked away from Pink Floyd for so long. (i am paraphrasing here) "I had 4 kids and i wanted to see them grow up"

People/fans forget that our idols are people too and take many other things away from life besides the music they create. DeGarmo delivered 5 amazing albums and maybe he didn't have anything to say anymore so he decided to walk away instead of being part of what everything has led Queensryche to now? Plus, "Operation: Mindcrime" thematically speaking is relevant more now than to me in the 1980's. That is genius.

just my two cents.
Stick a fork in them, they're done. When the war of words starts in public it's over.

Miranda Tate — stepdaughter of QUEENSRŸCHE singer Geoff Tate and daughter of the band's manager, Susan Tate, as well as the former wife of the group's guitarist Parker Lundgren — has addressed much of the criticism that is being leveled at her stepfather over QUEENSRŸCHE's recent musical direction and the circumstances that have led to an apparent falling out between Geoff and his bandmates.

As previously reported, QUEENSRŸCHE members Michael Wilton, Eddie Jackson, Scott Rockenfield and Parker Lundgren recently teamed up with powerhouse vocalist Todd La Torre of CRIMSON GLORY in a brand new band called RISING WEST. The group played its first two shows ever this past Friday (June 8) and Saturday, June 9 at the Hard Rock Café in Seattle, Washington, where they performed rare and classic hits from the first five QUEENSRŸCHE albums — from the 1983 EP through 1990's "Empire".

Several days prior to RISING WEST's live debut, the members of the group claimed in an online posting that they were "being denied access to [QUEENSRŸCHE's] Facebook page and website" while they were attempting to spread word about about RISING WEST's upcoming shows.

Earlier today (Monday, June 11), it was announced that QUEENSRŸCHE was canceling its appearance tonight at USANA Amphitheatre in West Valley City, Utah as the support act for SCORPIONS because "some of the members" of the band could not make the gig "for personal reasons." Rather than scrap the show completely, Tate decided to play the concert with his solo band, with which he has been touring for the past few months.

On Thursday, June 7, Miranda Tate — who has apparently been assisting her mother and stepfather in handling some of QUEENSRŸCHE's business affairs — posted the following message on Facebook:

"It's about time to get some truth on the table.

"1. No one...not Geoff or anyone else in QUEENSRŸCHE has posted on the in months. Posting by all members was stopped at the same time. This was not Geoff's doing.

"2. Geoff and the other members of QUEENSRŸCHE can post any sort of event on the QUEENSRŸCHE Facebook just in the same fashion as they always have.

"3. Geoff is on the defensive and all the truth as to how hostile he has been treated will be known soon.

"4. Look back at who wrote the songs for QUEENSRŸCHE since Chris [DeGarmo, guitar] left. The heavy majority of the songs has been Geoff with an outside writer. This is due to very little to no material being submitted by the other members of the band.

"5. Geoff originally wanted to go in a different direction for the last QUEENSRŸCHE album... heavier. But for the first time in years the other guys were submitting songs. So Geoff used their material and 'Dedicated To Chaos' is what they together came up with. Don't believe me... check the credits.

"6. Geoff does the majority of the writing, the majority of the interviews, is there every day for the mix, produces with every producer while the other members are hardly ever in the room. I have watched this with my own eyes since I can remember. Geoff never complains and splits album sales royalties equally.

"7. Susan, as the band's manager, negotiated with outside writers (pissing them off) to give part of their publishing royalties to the other non-writing members of QUEENSRŸCHE.

"8. My family worked tirelessly and happily to keep QUEENSRŸCHE working.

"9. I e-mailed endlessly to get photos and words or anything to post (on the app or Facebook) for the fans from all the members in QUEENSRŸCHE and got little to nothing from any of them except Geoff.

"10. When our business attorney wrote an e-mail to the band stating how some of our employees did a fantastic job and thanking them... one of the other members of QUEENSRŸCHE (not Geoff) wrote back saying that he didn't want our employees thanked since they were being paid.

"11. No one has checked the fan club email or taken care of giving away one meet-and-greet pass since the Tates were stopped by the other members of the band from doing it. However, Geoff has honored the QUEENSRŸCHE fan club and given away meet-and-greet passes to his solo shows.

"12. Every fan club event was planned by my family for the last several years and Geoff happily attended all while other members complained.

"13. Every concept for every tour was voted on by the band (including the cabaret). All members of QUEENSRŸCHE happily split equally, all the money made from each tours although some (not Geoff) complained later when some of the tour concepts were received with less-than-open arms. Geoff stood by the creative decision and took the good with the bad.

"So before you think the man that worked the hardest by a long way for years and years is a tyrant then think again. You don't know the facts."

Shortly after Miranda posted the above message, Misty Rockenfield, wife of QUEENSRŸCHE drummer Scott Rockenfield, replied with the words "This is all a flat-out lie." This was followed by another online missive by Miranda, written in part as a response to some of the other questions raised by QUEENSRŸCHE fans on various Internet forums.

Miranda wrote: "The Facebook has always been run by an [administrator], NO member has ever had 'direct' access to the Facebook page. I used to update the QUEENSRŸCHE app. I sent countless emails to ALL members of the band asking for content and received little to nothing from everyone except [Geoff Tate]. This is the same with the Facebook page. Not one e-mail, text, phone call etc. has been made from any member of RISING WEST asking to promote their shows. Instead they came out with they are blocked from the site. Geoff Tate, on the other hand, sends his info to the admin to update with his events.

"The reasons that comments are banned is because too many people were writing profane things so instead of someone having to monitor posts 24/7 posts were banned for the time being.

"By Misty stating that 'this is ALL a flat-out lie' is untrue she is saying that the members don't vote, that passes are still being issued, etc. Many of the things I stated in my original post can be proven true by looking at CD credits, the fan club etc.

"Also most of 'Operation: Mindcrime 2' [QUEENSRŸCHE's 2006 album] was recorded in my basement — I was there every day so I saw first-hand who really shows up and did work everyday and that was [Jason] Slater [producer], Mike Stone [former QUEENSRŸCHE guitarist] and Geoff. The other members were not very involved and this was true for many recent endeavors as well. That being said, Misty's comment doesn't hold up.

"Also I know Geoff Tate is doing some interviews this week that will also give his point of view."
Attended the first Tate-less Queensryche performance last Saturday night at the Halfway Jam in Royalton, MN. The setlist was killer and they sounded INCREDIBLE. The crowd readily accepted Todd La Torre with the first note. I had the opportunity to talk with Todd and the rest of the guys before the show and although I've seen Queensryche perform dozens of times and have met the members several times, I'd have to say that they all appeared to be having much more fun before and during this show than I have seen in many years. They are working on new material, but in the mean time they are performing tracks that GT can no longer sing. Lots of videos on YouTube. Here's the setlist:
01. Queen Of The Reich
02. Speak
03. Neue Regel
04. Walk In The Shadows
05. En Force
06. I Don't Believe In Love
07. Child Of Fire
08. The Whisper
09. Warning
10. Spreading The Disease
11. The Needle Lies
12. Prophecy
13. Take Hold Of The Flame
14. My Empty Room
15. Eyes Of A Stranger
16. Empire
17. Wrathchild (IRON MAIDEN cover)
18. Jet City Woman
19. Roads To Madness

The full-length performance of Roads To Madness was EPIC!

I watched many of the videos from Halfway Jam and hated to see that Todd was less impressive than I had hoped. He really struggled on most of the songs right from the first note of Queen of the Ryche. Maybe his voice was off for some reason we don't know about, I won't judge him off this because I've heard him do better. No one can be a young GT he was one of a kind, but I'm hoping Todd improves with more time doing the songs.