Could be Interesting- Queensryche with Todd La Torre

I watched many of the videos from Halfway Jam and hated to see that Todd was less impressive than I had hoped. He really struggled on most of the songs right from the first note of Queen of the Ryche. Maybe his voice was off for some reason we don't know about, I won't judge him off this because I've heard him do better. No one can be a young GT he was one of a kind, but I'm hoping Todd improves with more time doing the songs.

Yeah, he was struggling for sure. Could have been nerves, monitors, the fact that he was pretty animated/physical on stage. You could tell they were all excited and feeling the vibe...and he hit notes Tate hasn't attempted in years...but he was pushing too hard to hit them most of the time. If he doesn't pace himself, that catalog will kill his voice.
Predicted this. Todd isn't a young dude. Rigors of touring are going to crush him under it's heel, quickly. Seeing Maiden this summer showed me Dickinson is still an amazing performer and frontman but he cannot hit the notes of his youth. It didn't matter because the moment is all that matters and they were awesome. Tate avoided this stuff for a reason. I do hope he proves me wrong, but he has a wealth of singers before him showing us how this will play out.
From :

STRYPER frontman Michael Sweet has weighed in on CRIMSON GLORY vocalist Todd La Torre replacing Geoff Tate as QUEENSRŸCHE's frontman:

"I read through all the comments and debated whether or not to chime in and I flipped a coin and heads it was! On to my 2 cent rant.

I personally had the opportunity to see Queensrÿche at Halfway Jam (we did our set before they did theirs) and I'm here to tell you that Todd has breathed new life into the band. Not only does he have the pipes to deliver the vocals but more important, he is as nice and as humble as they come. He's excited about the music and performance and doesn't take it for granted and it shows. I've never met Geoff Tate personally so I certainly can't comment on who he is nor would I want to, but I can say that it was a joy for me to see Queensrÿche with a sense of excitement and passion to perform.

I'm quite biased and I don't throw compliments around unless they are earned and Todd more then earned my respect and applause at Halfway Jam. Change is always a bit uncomfortable but sometimes it's for the best. Trust me, you won't be disappointed...... See you on the cruise"

Footage from Queensrÿche's set at the Halfway Jam, which took place July 26th-28th in Royalton, Minnesota is available below:

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Predicted this. Todd isn't a young dude. Rigors of touring are going to crush him under it's heel, quickly. Seeing Maiden this summer showed me Dickinson is still an amazing performer and frontman but he cannot hit the notes of his youth. It didn't matter because the moment is all that matters and they were awesome. Tate avoided this stuff for a reason. I do hope he proves me wrong, but he has a wealth of singers before him showing us how this will play out.

I completely agree. He's my age (40) and has never toured as hard as Queensryche will tour him...if he doesn't prepare properly and pace himself for the long haul, he'll pay the price.
Unfortunately (to me), they still come across like a tribute band instead of "Queensryche". Maybe if/when they release new material and more time is spent without Tate as the leader of the band, it will make me feel different about them. I guess time will tell.
Michael Sweet of Stryper may have something to say about the age thing! That man is NOT human! He is STILL hitting those high notes, and touring on a consistent basis! I think health and lifestyle and mind set has allowed him to be the rule to the exception! Rob Rock is another one who can still belt those nasty notes but I realize he hasnt done the excessive tour thing. I always felt bad for singers it must be tough when your vocal chords are your instrument!

So is anyone else amazed at how good Don Dokken sounds these days? :lol:
Michael Sweet of Stryper may have something to say about the age thing! That man is NOT human! He is STILL hitting those high notes, and touring on a consistent basis! I think health and lifestyle and mind set has allowed him to be the rule to the exception! Rob Rock is another one who can still belt those nasty notes but I realize he hasnt done the excessive tour thing. I always felt bad for singers it must be tough when your vocal chords are your instrument!

That's what I'm saying...if Todd doesn't prepare himself physically for what he's undertaking, he'll blow his voice. He's already straining (for whatever reason)...Michael Sweet has taken care of himself...Todd will have to do the same. Age changes your body...including your vocal range. Sweet is still awesome, but you can hear a difference in 2012 Sweet and 1986 Sweet.
Unfortunately (to me), they still come across like a tribute band instead of "Queensryche". Maybe if/when they release new material and more time is spent without Tate as the leader of the band, it will make me feel different about them. I guess time will tell.

I'd give 'em some more time before calling them a tribute band. The 3 original members seem to have a great positive attitude about this whole new singer thing, and the band's future in general. I think this will be the goods when all is said and done, just so the court's final ruling doesn't bar them from touring as Queensryche.
I see Queensryche was just added to the Monster's of Rock cruise in March. Based on the last time I saw them in 2011, I wouldn't care but now I am more excited. Whether they are any better than the tribute band Mindcrime is debatable but I genuinely want to see and hear this new version of Queensryche. Then judge for myself. Anything has to be better than the 2011 Cabaret tour.

I have a new found respect for Michael Sweet. While Styper is not a favorite of mine nor do they have the best "metal" songs, after seeing them twice this year, I can say they are a very professional band that know how to put on a good show with tight performances and great vocals. They really bring the best of what they have to the stage. Many groups have better songs but few can match Stryper's live show.

So I look forward to seeing both bands next year on the high seas.
Being a Queensrÿche fan boy from the EP through EMPIRE (probably my biggest influence, as a musician and songwriter, and damned if I don't proclaim OPERATION MINDCRIME is still my favorite record of all time... did I say just *record*? Hmm...) I'm certainly interested in seeing/hearing how this progresses... with original music, of course. THAT will be the true test for me.

Bring on some original (NEW) Queensrÿche music in 2013!

... er, yeah, and some new Crimson Glory as well. I'm sure Todd is cursing the musical gods for the double edged sword of having a great set of pipes and being in 2 legendary bands.