Could someone give me some advice on my setup?

C. Dan

New Metal Member
Feb 10, 2009
Hi guys,
I've recently invested quite a lot in equipment, and am planning to invest more into an actual studio space, but I was wondering if anyone could provide me with a little advice regarding the overall setup of this.

I'm currently running a PC with Cubase, with an external soundcard 8 input/8 output soundcard. I've quite a bit of off-board gear, and also recently invested in a 32 channel mixing desk (excessive I know, but I plan to upgrade to use more recording channels). There's so many ways I could everything up, I was wondering if anyone could recommend a particular way which would help optimise the use of the equipment. I would like to be able to use the mixing desk during the mixing stages as well, rather than just using it as a glorified (and space consuming) pre-amp. Of course I also want to utilise this setup for recording sessions as well. I'm willing to invest more into other equipment at a reasonable price if necessary. Any tips/recommendations would be greatly appreciated! I just want to try to optimise it's usefulness as much as possible!
have monitors? if not, get that next.

In my opinion if you're going to have a huge mixer just as a preamp I think it's a waste of space and money. You should have a mixer with digital (usb or firewire) connection to make use of it and all the possible simultaneous channels if you're actually going to use that much (live, full-band recordings maybe?) and use it an an external sound card, instead of an 8-chanel sound card and a 32-channel analog mixer. I don't think you could use the mixer during the mixing process but I don't know Cubase actually so I can't be sure.
get a nice pair of ACTIVE monitors. Passives tend not to deal with high's as well imo. I recommend the tannoys ive got a pair and they rock although i think i busted one of my tweeters :(
Badass Loco, never noticed you had the Reveal 6D's, I LOVE my 5A's, so clear and flat, I've never been surprised by a mix that I've done on 'em! (granted, I don't do many mixes, but still :D)
yeah man although its fucking gay i dunno what happened but see the top tweeter thing which is caged..somehow the round plastic bit underneath teh caging has parts that are caved you think i could get that fixed at a hi-fi store <--- lol cant believe i said that. Or would i ahve to get a replacement part..tb it looks like if u could find some way of pushing it back out it would restore it..but that left speaker always gives me some sort of hiss now. :(
Hmm, I dunno dude, pro audio repair is big-time uncharted territory for me I'm afraid, I wouldn't wanna risk it!
Monitors aren't an issue, might buy some better ones in the future. I'm just wondering what would be the best way to set up, I'm thinking of getting a Motu 24i/o. I really like the mixing desk, great EQ. My only worry is that with running it in and out and all the off board equipment that it may start to cause problems with noise?
without monitors your mixes will probably sound shit anywhere but your own speakers:lol:
without monitors your mixes will probably sound shit anywhere but your own speakers:lol:

Monitors bear no relevance to the question I asked. I've decent enough monitors at the moment, and I always test my mixes on a high quality stereo, an average range one and a car stereo. I am fully aware of the necessity of good monitors and am planning to invest in some higher quality ones in the coming months. However, until then my issues are with what best way to route the equipment.