Could someone recommend me a new 7 string?

Friend of mine has this:

And it's a fucking gorgeous guitar. I've only played it for a few minutes, but nothing about it led me to believe it was as cheap as it is, and I own my fare share of expensive guitars :p


I think if I was gonna get one, I'd get this, though:


Purple, so hawttt.

FWIW, I've owned 3 7 strings myself, a Carvin DC727, an Ibanez RG7620 and a Bernie Rico Jr. Jekyl 7, and out of them all, the Ibanez was my favorite. The BRJ and Carvin clearly smoked it in sound quality (but they also had better pickups, and were mahogany, which I like better as a tone wood), but the Ibanez's neck was so thin, that it was nearly effortless to switch from a 6 to it. The Carvin's neck was too big and would give me wrist cramps, and the BRJ was nearly there, but I felt like it was a bit wide for me (maybe I'm just crazy LOL, but that guitar wasn't cheap - $2650 used - So no sense in keeping it around if I could buy something that suited me better), plus I'm not too huge on finished necks anymore. If it was fully custom from me, I'm sure that guitar would've been insane.

I don't play any extended range guitars anymore, though. I just play them like a 6 string, and the loss of clarity from the lower tuning wasn't a good enough trade off to me for the heavier tone.