Could use some feedback with this mix

there's something i love about the kit you're using! details on settings? love the toms.I think the guitar tone lets it down..what you using for it? sounds really muddy. Cool song though!
there's something i love about the kit you're using! details on settings? love the toms.I think the guitar tone lets it down..what you using for it? sounds really muddy. Cool song though!

Thanks for the feedback. I understand about the guitar tone. It was a Pod X3 recorded directly into the laptop and I didn't think about recording a direct line for reamping :erk:
Then again it is a demo afterall and I wanted to cut as many corners as possible haha

The drums are Superior 2.0 but it's basically mostly the DFH kit. The only things I changed are the snare and kick. For the kick I use a blend of the Nashville and Avatar kits, and for the kick it's just the Nashville.

Glad you like the song tho :)
Yea I agree on the guitar, it's quite dark and boxy/muddy. Since you don't have the DIs, it would maybe help to simply cut a little but around those 200-300hz areas and maybe give it a little high-end boost gently.

Otherwise, pretty creepy song man! Haha, that's a good thing :)