Coulter the Cruel


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
Here's some great shit from the NY DAily News.

COULTER writes: "These broads are millionaires, lionized on TV and in articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by grief-arazzis. And by the way, how do we know their husbands weren't planning to divorce these harpies? Now that their shelf life is dwindling, they'd better hurry up and appear in Playboy. . . These self-obsessed women seemed genuinely unaware that 9/11 was an attack on our nation and acted as if the terrorist attacks happened only to them."

"I'd like her to meet my daughter and tell her how anyone could enjoy their father's death," said Kristen Breitweiser, one of four widows known as the Jersey Girls. "She sounds like a very disturbed, unraveled person," added Breitweiser.

It's called Demogoguery, bitch. The Left is so used to being in charge of ranting in public, that anyone else doing it is automatically a crazy nut.

Ha ha ha! Its true, these women got paid a million bucks because their hubbies were fortunate enough to be killed in the World Trade Center instead of from heart disease or a drunk driver. Now they are going CHA-CHING! all the way to Sachs Fifth Avenue for some new summer fashions. A million bucks, that's better than the payoff husband David got from that Terry Schiavo being unplugged last year.

Now we have the politicians running up pretending to CARE. We know how they CARE. They throw money at the injury saying "Does that feel better?" Katrina hits New Orleans, and the politicians fall over each other to throw our money at the problem. "Awww. Here's $250,000,000,000.00 of someone else's money. Does that make the boo boo feel better?"

"It's totally inhumane to be saying things like this about people who went through such agony," said Rep. Pete King (R-L.I.).

CHA-CHING! Oops, "no more agony!" Its a Christmas miracle from Washington!

"It seems that she's just full of anger and hate," said Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-Manhattan), who held a news conference yesterday with relatives of 9/11 victims on the country's failure to improve security.

Typical liberal response. "Anger and Hate." I guess Coulter's on the wrong side of the Force, eh?

"Like an insecure child, it's always been clear that Ann Coulter is prepared to do anything to get attention," added Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-Brooklyn, Queens). "This is a new low."

CHA-CHING! Or $1,000,000 up front for the book. I'm saying the same shit for free, asshole!

Aren't some of those widows absolute foxes though? Especially the ones with the reaaaally big payouts.......
I am available if any are reading and want a fuck-toy.(A2M a speciality)
TheAssMaster said:
Aren't some of those widows absolute foxes though? Especially the ones with the reaaaally big payouts.......
I am available if any are reading and want a fuck-toy.(A2M a speciality)

AssMaster, I swear, you could be THE next Jack Kerouac for this literature-and-prose-starved generation!

(Naturally I mean the new Kerouac as voice of the 21st century, not the new Kerouac as the alcoholic faggit.)

It's all you, man! Have you ever given thought to composing poetry?

I am glad to see my favorite right-wing she-male in the news. And I am even more glad people pay attention to her dumb shit. The problem with her comments aren't whether they have a core of truth to them, or how she presents them, it's that she doesn't seem to believe them herself. She's just putting on a show for right-wingers to get horny about.

Look, if the 9/11 wives went for Bush, she'd support them. If a dem was president and went into Iraq she'd be against the war. She is soulless swine.

But hey, the fact that my favorite right wing she-male attention needing whore is back in the limelight means that we are getting closer to having political discussion in the country being lowered to the level of Corky on Life Goes On. I can't wait for people like Ann Coulter to start actually throwing their own feces to the opposing side on this talk shows.
Ann Coulter is a souless cunt who deserves to be gang raped by that giant dildo from the movie 7. Everything and anything she says is utter bullshit, just a bunch of half truths and outright fiction.

She does nothing for this country, and she is as unamerican as Bin LAden. The people that read her books are the same people who cant form their own opinions and believe what pseudo journalists like Bill O Reily say is fact. Maybe if this dumb ugly cunt did something patriotic for this country she would have a molecule of credibility.

She is one of those people that got made fun of her whole life, Coulture needs to spend 1 day covering the war in Iraq, and then we will she what tune she sings. She is an Unpatriotic coward cunt, and is a sad excuse for a Republican.

ZeeZooZum said:
I am glad to see my favorite right-wing she-male in the news. And I am even more glad people pay attention to her dumb shit. The problem with her comments aren't whether they have a core of truth to them, or how she presents them, it's that she doesn't seem to believe them herself. She's just putting on a show for right-wingers to get horny about.

Look, if the 9/11 wives went for Bush, she'd support them. If a dem was president and went into Iraq she'd be against the war. She is soulless swine.

But hey, the fact that my favorite right wing she-male attention needing whore is back in the limelight means that we are getting closer to having political discussion in the country being lowered to the level of Corky on Life Goes On. I can't wait for people like Ann Coulter to start actually throwing their own feces to the opposing side on this talk shows.
Man, yous guys are gay.

She takes full advantage of the liberal's only commandment, the stretched, torn, gaping first amendment, and there's a problem with it! Amazing!

Are the progressives the ones who keep smugly saying "I may not agree with what you say but I will give up my life to defend your right to say it?"

Let's see Al Franken or the 9/11 cunts or you guys throw yourselves under the treads of a T-85* to defend Ann's demagoguery.



[size=-1]*cut me some slack on the military hardware, Evil Dead.[/size]
Jurched said:
Man, yous guys are gay.

She takes full advantage of the liberal's only commandment, the stretched, torn, gaping first amendment, and there's a problem with it! Amazing!

Are the progressives the ones who keep smugly saying "I may not agree with what you say but I will give up my life to defend your right to say it?"

Let's see Al Franken or the 9/11 cunts or you guys throw yourselves under the treads of a T-85* to defend Ann's demagoguery.



[size=-1]*cut me some slack on the military hardware, Evil Dead.[/size]

:waah: :waah: :waah:

I am defending her. I actually want to see ignorant fools throw their own shit at each other on tv. I can't help if people actually think she has a serious bone in her body.
Ann Coulter is God's chosen one. She is absolutely right about those widows, they REALLY enjoyed watching their husbands burn to death while Bush sat idly reading My Pet Goat.

Why do these witches have to use 9/11 to bash our leader George W Christ? Do they actually blame his administration for failing to respond to months worth of warnings of a coming terrorist attack in 2001?

The fact that Ms. Coulter did not attack any Bush-supporting 9/11 widows only proves that she is completely unbiased and rational.