The "I Love Canada" Thread

Ann Coulter probably heard that tired chestnut about Canadians being Americans with health care and gun control, and concluding that their journalists must also be spineless morons, thus agreed to appear on CBC's "The Fifth Estate", ultimately providing posterity with this deathless exchange, which could sit comfortably alongside Monty Python's Dead Parrot Sketch:

Coulter: "Canada used to be one of our most loyal friends and vice-versa. I mean Canada sent troops to Vietnam - was Vietnam less containable and more of a threat than Saddam Hussein?"

Interviewer: "Canada didn't send troops to Vietnam."

Coulter: "I don't think that's right."

Interviewer: "Canada did not send troops to Vietnam."

Coulter (looking desperate): "Indochina?"

Interviewer: "Uh no. Canada ...second World War of course. Korea. Yes. Vietnam No."

Coulter: "I think you're wrong."

Interviewer: "No, took a pass on Vietnam."

Coulter: "I think you're wrong."

Interviewer: "No, Australia was there, not Canada."

Coulter: "I think Canada sent troops."

Interviewer: "No."

Coulter: "Well. I'll get back to you on that."

Interviewer [tag voiceover]: Coulter never got back to us -- but for the record, like Iraq, Canada sent no troops to Vietnam."
I feel bad for Canadians because they are being starved of top level
Do you think this has become her stage persona now? I mean, do you honestly believe anyone can be this obnoxious behind closed doors?

I think she likes to be the woman everyone loves to hate, and she plays it up a little. Just like Bill O'Reilly. These people shouldn't be given any attention I don't think, we're basically looking at people trying to grab their 15 minutes. Ann Coulter has simply become the 'William Hung' of right wing neo-conservative politics.
they are a bunch of complaining French pussies ... that do not even like people in their own country :D
Case in point: she appeared on the Bill Maher show with everyone booing her, and she loved it. When she was doing that presentation where someone threw a pie at her, she milked it for all it was worth. Gah. It's so easy to become famous in this country. <-- I love this site

Coulter is a cunt, JayK you're probably right. Either way I completely ignore her and Hannity. If they got married (because as well all know they wouldn't DARE have sex in any other situation :saint: ) and had kids they would come out of his ass and be Demon Ass Children and would take back the Washington Monument for it's true purpose: GLOBAL DOMINATION.

i'll say yay for canada! i love my canadians, meaning that i send them poop letters. watch out matt! one night you'll go in your bathroom, and find my feces everywhere. and trust me you'll know its mine
Canadians make great Metal singers :)

I'm going to Canada this year, w00t. I think I will enjoy it :)
Me too, I hope I enjoy it. I don't know when I'm going though, I just know it will happen. Oh yes, it will happen.