Warriors and Wusses

It's disapointing that the political sins of our leaders have stirred up a hornets nest and have led people there to do evil. Some amongest our own have done evil, and they have answered for it in a court of law.
ok, i dig that not every soldier there is riding around in hummers running over old ladies crossing the street...but the fact is innocent people are dying, and soldiers are doing it, as tools of the occupation.

that said the majority of the blame rests where it always does, the administration.
cthulufhtagn said:
iraqi civilians killed by US military action: ~30,000 (www.iraqbodycount.net)

surely they didn't all have c-4 strapped to them


Jesus H....I gotta say, 30,000 innocent civillians dead. That is just fucking heartbreaking.

How could it POSSIBLY be worth it when this country couldn't threaten a friggin ant hill on US soil.

And where the fuck is the war against Iran and North Korea? You know, those countries will have their nukes flying into Washington DC and we'll be sending more troops into goddamn Falujah. :lol:

Remember kids, when a North Korean rapes and murders your mother, go beat up your Iraqi neighbor in protest. :loco:
cthulufhtagn said:
each side of any given debate has the tendency to offer examples that best support their argument and ignore those that support the opposing side. while it is wrong to make a blanket statement and say that all actions by all members of the armed forces are wrong, by the same token they are not all saving schools and taking out terrorist commandos like that letter claims. what it basically comes down to is most soldiers didn't enlist with the desire to fight in iraq but i refuse to absolve of any blame those who chose to undergo military service.

and on another tangent i refuse to give respect to anyone simply on the basis of their military service. there are many things deserving of respect but signing up to be a cog in the machine in and of itself isn't one of them.

Well said.
cthulufhtagn said:
i don't care if it's 10,000, 30,000 or 100,000

Well shit, people die during wartime.

This thread was not about whether or not you support the war (at first I did, I no longer do). It's about whether you support the men & women of this country who are over there. And I do.

You're confusing/blurring the 2 issues.
pretty much yeah, war is bullshit that results from the inherently selfish and violent aspects of people's nature...so to say "fuck war" pretty much says "fuck people"

so fuck people