Warriors and Wusses

Dick Sirloin said:
My friend and Iraq vet emailed this guy (the LA Times dude) a GREAT letter and what did the guy say? "I've gotten hundreds of letters like yours, but yours is the only one I'm replying to. I apologize for writing that article, I've realized now that I was wrong..." And totally serious, apparently. :lol:

If I'm lying, may I be struck dead immediately.

This thread is incomplete without the letter...
MadeInNewJersey said:
I would never REALLY hate you; I might think you're slightly more stupid than I already do...

naw, scratch that, nothing you can do can shock me anymore
hahahaha <3
BenMech said:
Explain why you find it "stupid"

Do you have any clue how much of our current armed forces are comprised of poorly educated, low-income teenagers from the nation's ghettos and backwater towns? For a shitton of them, the army is their only shot at a paying job & potential career. I don't think they volunteered to go get shot at by Iraqii insurgents.
MadeInNewJersey said:
Do you have any clue how much of our current armed forces are comprised of poorly educated, low-income teenagers from the nation's ghettos and backwater towns? For a shitton of them, the army is their only shot at a paying job & potential career. I don't think they volunteered to go get shot at by Iraqii insurgents.

Don;t ever use the word "insurgents" again. Okthnxbye.
insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents insurgents
OK, I would ask my roomate but I'm drunk and just got home and the pigfucker is asleep
MadeInNewJersey said:
Do you have any clue how much of our current armed forces are comprised of poorly educated, low-income teenagers from the nation's ghettos and backwater towns? For a shitton of them, the army is their only shot at a paying job & potential career. I don't think they volunteered to go get shot at by Iraqii insurgents.
That's cause for pity. A situation in which the best way to escape poverty is by going overseas and killing for your government is a shitty situation. That's a hellish choice to make and no one should ever be presented with it, but it's still a choice. There is a big difference between pity and a ticket to moral absolution.
grazim said:
That's cause for pity. A situation in which the best way to escape poverty is by going overseas and killing for your government is a shitty situation. That's a hellish choice to make and no one should ever be presented with it, but it's still a choice. There is a big difference between pity and a ticket to moral absolution.

You live in quite the black or white world, don't you? Kudos for having the keen foresight to understand every-fucking-thing. Care to explain the meaning of the universe to me? I'll wait.













