I put in a surprise Saturday appearance at PPUSA - now I'm even more excited for PPEu, dammit. 17 days until I leave!
As I mentioned in the Fates thread over in the PPUSA forum, this was the first time I've seen them live for more than about five minutes even though I've been a fan since Perfect Symmetry. It was too bad Ray is no longer doing the high notes (it's like watching Queensryche in that respect) but it was still an awesome set.

I was mostly just so happy to see everyone again - the last PP I went to was VI, and I haven't seen a lot of people since then.
So, right now we are preparing all the details and so far it goes very smoothly. Ticket details will be worked out this week, we got some more rooms at Castle de Berck and that forced us to wait a few more days before working out the details. This means that even more people will stay at De Berckt, so prepare for a huge party over there.

As for cancellations, we still have good hopes that none of the bands will cancel this year. We'll keep our fingers crossed!

Now we only need the weather we had 2 years ago, and nothing will stop us from having a wonderful weekend with some of the best music.

And just to let you know, we already started preperations for PP 2010. As always, the first weekend of October, 1-2-3 October 2010!

See you in a few weeks.

Rumour has it that my contract at work was renewed (actually, work has managed to notify everyone except me from the sound of it), which is normally a good thing... in this case it means I won't be going to PP :(

2 weeks and 2 days for the rest of you :)
Rumour has it that my contract at work was renewed (actually, work has managed to notify everyone except me from the sound of it), which is normally a good thing... in this case it means I won't be going to PP :(

2 weeks and 2 days for the rest of you :)

Ugh! What about Kalle, indeed? And if you're not going, who's gonna take your ticket?
Ugh! What about Kalle, indeed? And if you're not going, who's gonna take your ticket?

Kalle will be going and is working on a friend to go with him. If the friend goes then he'll take my ticket. Ugh indeed.
Two weeks for me! I can't wait to see all of you. :bounce: I've only actually met a couple of you (Henk and Marcel - and I haven't even seen Marcel since Powermad nine years ago) so please do come say hi. I'm very easy to recognize.
You're bound to bounce into a few of us at the castle (gonna be awesome!), and you're still free to travel along with us from Amsterdam with a discount of 40% on the trainride. We'll be passing by Amsterdam Central Station and picking up a Spanish buddy of mine up there too. Saves you approximately 3-4 beers (or 9 euros) on a one-way journey from Amsterdam to Venlo. Can't offer the same discount on the busride, unfortunately, but thats only 4 euros or so :p
and you're still free to travel along with us from Amsterdam with a discount of 40% on the trainride. We'll be passing by Amsterdam Central Station and picking up a Spanish buddy of mine up there too. Saves you approximately 3-4 beers (or 9 euros) on a one-way journey from Amsterdam to Venlo.

I'll be coming from the other direction - I'm flying to Germany first and arriving at PP from there, and then going to Amsterdam for a couple days after the festival. I might join you on *that* trip...
I'll be coming from the other direction - I'm flying to Germany first and arriving at PP from there, and then going to Amsterdam for a couple days after the festival. I might join you on *that* trip...

Ah, my bad! Guess we're paying for those few beers ourselves then :p

pre-reserve? like, pick bedrooms? lol I've already paid and all but i would definitely like to know if we can pick rooms miauahahhaa

Lol no, we don't get to pick rooms, unfortunately, though you were able to state preferences when you reserved your room in the comments area, I believe. That's what I've been using to get Kirsty and Kalle as my roommates for the past 2 years :p

With pre-reserve I meant the pre-reservation on package deals, before they actually go on sale. They usually start those about a month after the festival, for the next year. They basically use this to get an idea on how many people are going to be wanting package deals. It's pretty much just us regulars that get those, regardless of any bands being announced yet or not :p