Getting excited! A week from now I'll be getting my final stuff sorted before getting on the train and meeting up with my buddies for the trek across the country to Baarlo :D Livening up the train journey with accoustic guitars and singing all the way, prolly harvesting weird looks from people :p Just like last year :p
Ok, so after trying to get a few friends (4), and after getting 4 "I can't", seems like I won't be coming this year...I'm very disappointed but I don't want to come alone ! I know that three guys from Nancy (near my town) are coming since 2007 edition, but I don't have any way to contact them or anything...
Poor of me :/
Gillou: I'm going by myself! I never let lame friends stop me from going to shows. ;)

Tomorrow is probably going to be one of the longest days of my life... all I have left to do is clean and catproof the place.
Ok, so after trying to get a few friends (4), and after getting 4 "I can't", seems like I won't be coming this year...I'm very disappointed but I don't want to come alone ! I know that three guys from Nancy (near my town) are coming since 2007 edition, but I don't have any way to contact them or anything...
Poor of me :/

Are you serious about that? I'm definately no self-contained person, but I'd definately head to Baarlo alone. You can take my word! come on! Get over!!! :headbang:
Gillou: I'm going by myself! I never let lame friends stop me from going to shows. ;)

Tomorrow is probably going to be one of the longest days of my life... all I have left to do is clean and catproof the place.

There is no such thing as a catproof place :p

Gillou, just come on over and have fun with the rest of us! I know how to order beer in French! We'll get along just fine :D
There is no such thing as a catproof place :p

Gillou, just come on over and have fun with the rest of us! I know how to order beer in French! We'll get along just fine :D

I don't, but I'll teach him how to order beer in dutch too.

Just come on over. If you know there are other people coming, at least you can look them up over here and cater your return trip then. :)