Let The Countdown Begin!!!

I am really stoked. I did a lot more "homework" for this year's lineup and discovered something about each name that I like. I had a moment or two of panic last week when it appeared I couldn't arrange coverage. As a result, I'm that much more fired up to be in Atl.
A judge must have picked up on my psychic vibes and moved a trial back by a week... so I can now enjoy the show with much more abandon! The next 2 Fridays are going to absolutely suck, by comparison!
I can't wait! I'm bummed that J-Man, my brother-in-arms, won't be there this year, but to counter that disappointment I get to see my bro-in-law *finally* get to see Evergrey since he's been jealous of me since 2006. Looking forward to another fun week with old friends and making new ones!
I have been anxiously counting down the days since last years ProgPower as well. I didn't think it was possible, but I'm even more excited since Forbidden's been added!!
I can't wait! I'm bummed that J-Man, my brother-in-arms, won't be there this year, but to counter that disappointment I get to see my bro-in-law *finally* get to see Evergrey since he's been jealous of me since 2006. Looking forward to another fun week with old friends and making new ones!

Well I wish I was coming, but you know the deal, I will be back next year if I have to crawl to get there.
Half a week off from recording engineering & etc classes, a trip to atlanta to see my old friends and metal fam, and seeing how many bands again? ~11? Awesome week is what that is. What would top this off is that I get to watch Chelsea beat Manchester at old trafford Sunday :)
I am getting more and more excited as the time gets closer. I am far more excited about this than I am about Christmas! I've been starting to rotate and listening to CDs of the bands coming up. This is going to be soooo friggan AWESOME!
I wish I had known sooner... I would have started a "Get J-Man to ProgPower" fundraiser. :lol:

Thanks Dave, but i could not have accepted it, even if it was a money issue, which it isn't. But hanks again, just know I will be there in spirit and if you need to call me about music buys get my # from Lance or Todd Wimmer, or Brent
Begin? I've been counting down since the announcements last year. What the hell have you been doing? :headbang: