Was that dude who almost threw somebody in the water and yelling and provoking and stuff? Damn... that guy really should play viking somewhere else.. All the other people Rocked though ;)
There is no such thing as a catproof place :p

Sure there is - it just involves a lot of bungee cords on doors and cupboards that don't latch! ;) I have a relative who will be checking in on them on weekdays, so they'll be fine.

I'll be around til tomorrow afternoon - I have to sit in Atlanta for about 3.5 hours, but about 24 hours from now I'll be getting on the plane. :D (I'm hoping they overbook my flight to Atlanta so I can volunteer to take the next flight if they'll upgrade my seat to Germany!)

I'm probably going to miss a few bands on Saturday, btw; I have a meetup with several Dutch friends of mine from another online community who are all making the trip to Venlo to hang out with me for a few hours; one of them has a business trip the following day, so Saturday was the only day we could do it.

And now: back to the final preparations.
Am sitting in the food court of the international terminal at Atlanta. It's loud and full of people, but the wifi is free and it's warm, which is more than I can say for my gate - it's frickin COLD down there, and the free wifi doesn't reach that far, only the paid.

Boarding in about an hour. Woohoo!
This will be my last message before I'm leaving. I'm off to bed now. Everything's packed. It rains like hell... hopefully the roads are not flooded tomorrow morning.
See you soon!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also remember I've been in the very southeastern corner of NC for the last two years, where winter rarely requires more than a light fleece sweatshirt. ;) It's been close to 30 most of September and only just recently started getting cooler, to about 24ish. bwaha.

They really crank up the air conditioning in airports and on planes, though. Whew.