Already have the next year pre-booked :) Hah! beat you to it (well Kirsty did)

Having someone stay home to book early for next year :p Thats cheating and extreme dedication :p Will be awesome to have Kirsty around again, so there's someone thats got less of a voice left after the festival than I do :p
Having someone stay home to book early for next year :p Thats cheating and extreme dedication :p Will be awesome to have Kirsty around again, so there's someone thats got less of a voice left after the festival than I do :p

*grin* Yeah, well, if you guys are having post-PP withdrawal, imagine what I was suffering at home!

It might be fun next year to do an audio montage to track the decay of voices from Friday to Monday. The prize for squeakiest voice would probably go to me ;)

I also hear that no one brought sex toys to beat each other with this year. Tsk, tsk, fellows. You really dropped the ball(s) on that one! Next year I'll have to bring the 1L jug of lube that was supposed to show up this year AND something else. :headbang:
It might be fun next year to do an audio montage to track the decay of voices from Friday to Monday. The prize for squeakiest voice would probably go to me ;)

I hope the castle has their lost and found stuff on the website, cos I seem to have left my voice there :p

Or as Jonathan and I would say it *growls* "I seem to have lost my singing voice" :D

Will be fun to have your competition again for that award :p

And I'm staying awake all weekend if you bring some sorta monster cock to go along with the lube :p
I hope the castle has their lost and found stuff on the
And I'm staying awake all weekend if you bring some sorta monster cock to go along with the lube :p

Kalle raises a good point. We don't need to duplicate :p

We need to find something interactive and that bands can sign. Perhaps something inflatable or wearable... it has to be at least as odd as the pussyfoot... lots of time to figure this one out :heh:
Or as Jonathan and I would say it *growls* "I seem to have lost my singing voice" :D

I remember now, I didn't lose my singing voice, I sold it for a couple of beers.

I still sound like absolute rubbish now, yesterday my Girlfriend was like: "Just shut up, I can't understand you anyways." :D Maybe I shouldn't have tried to sing along to Hacride. :headbang:

@ kristy The audio montage is an excellent idea, I know it got worse with every passing day.