Country Appreciation Thread

theodyssey said:
And no one noticed the sarcasm. Stupid people make me sad.
Dang it, Hank, it's gettin' downright stoopid and sad 'round these parts lately.
The good ol' boys better get their fannies on home right soon and do sumthin'
quick, er we're gonna go right of the rails on this here crazee train.
Looks to me the sitcheration been gettin' mighty desperte.
Pharoah said:
Dang it, Hank, it's gettin' downright stoopid and sad 'round these parts lately.
The good ol' boys better get their fannies on home right soon and do sumthin'
quick, er we're gonna go right of the rails on this here crazee train.
Looks to me the sitcheration been gettin' mighty desperte.
I guess by my own statement, i make myself sad eh? :lol:
LMAO at this thread

As far as Country music goes, most of the stuff around now is simply pop with a country flavor to it-100% garbage.

Now if you are talking great country like Hank Williams, Patsy Cline, Chet Atkins,etc, respect is due.

If you want to hear some great country playing, check out a disc Called "Return of the Hellcasters" by the Hellcasters. 3 studio country guys who RIP-one of the songs "Menage-The Beak/The Claw" is a full fingerpicked piece that is just INSANE. Light speed, hyper accurate and some the most insane string bending I have ever heard.
I've not even listened to or heard too much country cuz I'll know I won't like it, only country realeted stuff I can listen is western movie/tv themes, heh.
MetalChef said:
If you want to hear some great country playing, check out a disc Called "Return of the Hellcasters" by the Hellcasters. 3 studio country guys who RIP-one of the songs "Menage-The Beak/The Claw" is a full fingerpicked piece that is just INSANE. Light speed, hyper accurate and some the most insane string bending I have ever heard.
Cant really go wrong with any of the Hellecasters releases. All three studio efforts are quite full of intense guitar work from 3 masters of the telecaster. Will Ray, John Jorgenson, and Jerry Donohue burn, twist, and warp many a note in the interest of having "fun". They are insane.

I was raised on alot of diff. types of music, so there is some country I do like but not much of any of the new stuff... Just can't get into any of it.:erk:

Someone mentioned southern rock? O yes... I do love that stuff too. But I am a metal chick at HEART!:notworthy :rock:
underullospell said:
I was raised on alot of diff. types of music, so there is some country I do like but not much of any of the new stuff... Just can't get into any of it.:erk:
I'm in the same boat here. My parents are country fanatics and it was always playing on the stereo in the morning. When I hear those songs now, I don't know if I actually like them or if it's just a nostalgia thing.
karelrulez said:
I like every music genre (some more than others), except country. It's just too cheesy and happy for me.
C'mon everbody, let's get a line dance goin'.
"Don't tell my heart, my achey breakey heart. I just don't think he'll understand":kickass: (There's a tear in my beer)

Uh, nevermind. :blush: