Couple of questions.... (keyboard solos)


Dec 11, 2002
Fucking England \m/
First an uninteresting question: Why does this board see so little activity? Evergrey are pretty popular in the power/prog scene and it always has more people viewing than some other boards, but nobody seems to post much or make new threads. I don't know, maybe I just don't come in here enough to be able to tell.

Secondly, anyone ever wondered why Evergrey have so few keyboard solos? I've always loved Rikards 'End of your Days' solo, and you can tell he is a great keyboardist, but they have about one keyboard solo every other album. I'm not saying each song should have 2 or 3 solos (Henrik, Tom AND Rikard) but I'd like to see them spread them out a little bit more. Is there a reason for this or is it just part of their style?
Yeah, Rickard is a good keyboardplayer, and he has good solos.
One solo that's mind blowing is the Watching the skies solo, Even though he didn't record the keys on that album, He do it really great live!
On songs like She speaks to the dead, there is probably 3 or 4 guitar solos, and not a single one keyboard solo! That's a pitty, put on a Key solo instead of the last solo in the song! :rock:
^Yeah exactly. Does Rikard play watching the skies note perfect or change it?
I didn't have the good fortune to see that song live.

I think Rikard is pretty much my favourite member; on all the behind the scenes stuff on the DVD he seems like a super cool guy. His piano work is great as well because he actually pays attention to the voicings while playing on a keyboard using piano patches which isn't easy. Lots of keyboards just hammer everything out.
Nah, Can't really say that he plays it exactly like it is on the album, But one thing for sure; He does it way more cooler than Sven! :kickass:

Yeah, the way he matches his notes with the vocals is absofuckinggreat, Noone i've heard does it the way Rickard do it.
Or the piano pieces on When the walls go down, Always been amazed by it since I heard it the first time.

Actually, I read on another thread here on the forum that Henk and Rickard did a solobattle on this tour in the US, Which would be the highpoint of the gig for me, Have seen them for about 6 times now :goggly:
I too agree that Evergrey should have more keyboard solos. I also mentioned in one of my posts that the keyboards in "Monday Morning Apocalypse" album are almost inaudible, and that does discredit Rikard in many many ways. I hope there are more keyboard solos in the next album, plus the keyboards must also be very audibile like those in the albums before "Monday Morning Apocalypse".
