Cover of Metallica´s Nothing Else Matters


Apr 27, 2010
Sevilla, Spain
Hey, I just wanted to share with you my cover of Metallica´s Nothing Else Matters.

I used an Axe FX Standard with the Deluxe Verb sim, and played an LTD H-1007 with EMGs 707 in the neck position and 81-7 in bridge.

Drums are Superior Drummer´s Metal Foundry mixed with some Slate Drums to get a similar drum sound, and strings are Edirol Orchestral.

I would love to get some feedback of what you think about it. Hope you like it!
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sounds fantastic dude.

well done

did you use the slate black kit mixed with SD?

only thing that is missing is the sustainer at the end. but great playing, great cover.
Thanks a lot, Sixstring! Glad you liked the sound of it.

I used a whole SD kit, but also added kick, snare and toms from the Black Kit and got them mixed together so it didn´t sound that obvious. Also, the Black Kit is a little too trebly for me, so I darkened it with the mentioned mix and the processing on it.

I know the sustainer is missing (they played it with an e-bow, but I don´t have it :(...), so I tried to sustain notes as long as I could, added reverb, delay and some backing string to "disguise" it :D

Hey, fellas, sorry for the delay in answering, but I didn´t receive any email notification.

Gendo, glad you liked both the cover and the Thundercats t-shirt. Good you recognized it! :D

Leaky, thanks, man!
