CPU problems with logic?


Apr 15, 2011
I was working on a project and tinkering with the bass and suddenly, whenever I play the track i get this weird clicking/skipping. My cpu usage is in the red on one core and barely anything on the other. I have this problem even when i turn off all my plugins. Any ideas? Thanks a lot.
It sounds like small clicks/distortion occurring in the low end. It's not there when i bounce a track, only in playback. If i solo my snare, i don't really get much, but then when i add my kick it comes in. any ideas? This is making it near impossible to mix :c
I have the same problems with it. It doesn't utilise the CPU as it should, I have an i7 and it's rendered useless sometimes
Print your tracks.

Literally, if you want to save cpu then get used to bouncing in place and committing to how somethings being processed.
I had this problem a lot on my Macbook 2.4 Ghz but it disappeared since I updated Logic to 9.1.1 and using 9.1.3 on OS 10.6.7 now. No problems so far. I upgraded my HDD to 7200 rpm Seagate Momentus XT and my ram from 2 to 4 gigs tho.

You can try play whole project once and it'll utilize the CPU better next time. It's a very common Logic problem.
Logic distributes it's CPU load with the Auxes, example: Route all your drum tracks to Aux 1 (core 1), route your guitar and bass tracks to Aux 2 (core 2), route your vocals to Aux 3 (core 3, or core 1 with a dual core).
It's weird, but once you get used to it does'nt matter that much. You can choose what effect gets used by which core, and distribute the load evenly.

Also: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3161
your running 12 instances of Kontakt, along with everything else. Bounce all those drum tracks down, so you have audio tracks instead of midi.

My mac would have died a long time before this. :(

You also need to set up a reverb send. your using reverb on individual tracks. Reverb is an Aux effect. you should put your reverb plugin on an Aux channel and send each track to it according to taste, which the reverb set 100% wet.
How do I bounce them down? Will I lose the ability to mix/edit drums sounds if I do? Sorry if that's a dumb question, but I'm really new.
them tutorials are very good. You should take time out to watch any that apply to you, because they'll really help you out.

You can bounce each drum separately, so you will still be able to mix, but you'll be dealing with wavs instead of midi. Any editing is best done before bouncing tho..
No problem, Chris. I think the guy in that tutorial just made a separate bus for demo purposes, or that might just be his workflow. To each their own. I usually have busses for separate tracks, but I'll also have a few group busses. Whatever works for you, right?