Crack Ov Dawn – Dawn Addict


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Crack Ov Dawn – Dawn Addict
Equilibre Music – August 2005
By Russell Garwood


21:30 - After procrastinating all day finally sit down to do something
21:32 – Put a muted Miyazaki movie on in the background
21:33 – Put on Crack Ov Dawn’s latest CD to review
21:35 – Start reading the lyrics
21:35 – Laughter impedes ability to type
21:41 – Start review

So…. Crack Ov Dawn. Yeah. Well, they crack me up. While I’d really love to think the band’s tongues are firmly in cheek when playing their brand of glam/pop/shock/rock/industrial sing-along songs, I’m not really so sure they are. Either way, I can’t say I particularly care, because, man, this is funny. I mean – for the love of god – one of their songs about goth-fucking has the lyrics “I just want to fuck you, six six six”.

21:43 – Make note to use that line next time I see my girlfriend. See if she finds it funnier than the time I used “Is heaven missing an angel because you’ve got nice cans”

This aside, I think mentioning the music on Dawn Addict may be a good idea.

21:44 – Distracted by My Neighbor Totoro, hope they find Mei

Sorry, as I was saying, the music here is middle of the road, light and fluffy industrial metal/rock. Occasional moments on this album, coupled with the band’s appearance suggest glam leanings, while the more electronic moments can occasionally ring of EBM. Vocalist Vinie (of – bizarrely – Anorexia Nervosa fame) has a pretty cool strained rock tone to his singing, pulling off the kitsch lyrics with amusing style. The guitars are melodic and catchy, occasional heavier moments suggesting more metallic origins and cleaner passages proving more rocky.

21:52 – Go crack open a beer

The bass and drums are both fitting for the music, if nothing extraordinary. Hence, on the basis of the music alone I’d give Crack Ov Dawn a pretty lukewarm review due to their unoriginality; this isn’t anything you haven’t heard before many, many times before. That said the band can write a decent and insanely catchy 3 minute song, and seeing that’s what they’re trying to do it would be churlish to complain any further. And - in case I didn’t make this clear at the beginning - this is so damn funny, I’m more than willing to give them leeway!

22:00 – Mei is safe, film ends. Feel the hankering for some good old-fashioned Korean violence, put on Oldboy.
22:05 – CD on second rotation of the evening, Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas samples come around again. Feel that Velvet Acid Christ made better use of the same sample. Kudos for movie taste tho.

All this said, you should know whether or not Crack Ov Dawn are your thing from the style alone. These four French rockers are good at what they do, and while that will leave a lot of the UM readership completely nonplussed, those who do enjoy the like of Marilyn Manson could do well to check this out. This is also a definite must for angsty rebellious teens!

22:20 – Realise that this CD really reminds me of Hanzel Und Gretyl
22:22 – Email Jason
22:30 – Browse net
22:41 – Stop to watch hammer fight scene
22:50 – Think of anything to add to Crack Ov Dawn review, give CD another spin

So that pretty much says it all. On a final note to the band, however - putting images glamorising self-harm in your artwork isn’t cool. It doesn’t make you hardcore, the only effect it has is to stop me wanting to listen to your CD. I’m sure there are enough impressionable teens out there willing to slice themselves up without a band providing impetuous, acceptance and glorification in their album sleeves.

22:43 – Move on to next CD
01:00 - Read through review again, ready to post tomorrow


Official Crack Ov Dawn website
Official Equilibre Music website

01:20 – Decide to post review tonight instead. Post review
Im sure you all are aware of the tragic news: Vinnie, The Crack Ov Dawn vocalist has left. Let us take the time to reflect on this tragic loss.