Day Without Dawn - Self-Titled EP


Apr 5, 2003
Day Without Dawn - Day Without Dawn
Self-Released - 2006
By Brandon Strader


Welcome Day Without Dawn, with their undercurrent of Katatonia-esque vibes and a very tiny touch of Anathema influence thrown in there for good measure. This self-titled EP starts off to a pretty calm, melancholic start. Some nice piano work here, some slightly distorted slow electric guitar arpeggios there. The percussion enters the first track near the end with a lot of Tom use, then fades perfectly into the next song.

There also seems to be a tiny bit of Muse influence in there as well. The guitar work becomes a much larger part of the music with it's heavy riffs, a couple dischords, and fancy jazz-influenced leads. Since I'm name dropping, I'll also throw this one out: dredg. Just half way through the second song, you can already tell these newbies far surpass Katatonia, though the influence is still somewhat apparent. The vocalist rips out some fantastic growls and the vocal parts begin to switch between areas of growls, and areas of the clean vocals. Some of the growls seem off-key though, with too much voice in them and that gets a bit annoying.

Day Without Dawn have more than proven themselves worthy of attention with this little EP, with their magnificent songwriting, musical performances, and memorable songs. These guys may be one of those groups to keep your eye on for the future.


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Official Day Without Dawn Website
People should note that they were formerly called The Postman Syndrome and that band's album is an absolutely excellent genre-blending affair, in my opinion. I can't wait until the new version of the band releases a full length.
Heh.before coming here,i just read a review about these guys and checked out a sample track.They seem to have some potential.Ill be checking thier myspace out as well.