Cradle in Quebec

Minion520 said:
I saw them at Ozzfesat and it was an alright show, I enjoy some of their guitar work and keyboard work, but Dani has a terribly annoying live voice, and it just makes u want to hold ure ears, they also try and be all gay and gothic by having some sort of freakshow circus slut walk on stilts or swing around on a rope.
Throw rocks so stilt sluts fall to floor, hilarity will ensue
Blacksabbath said:
Cradle of filth is coming here(Quebec) and i'm a big fan of them, so naturally im gonna go to see them, but since its the first time im gonna see them live, i was wondering if anyonw who has seen them could tell me wat happens at their shows. like are there any moshpits? shit like that?
i haven't seen them but when and where ??????????