Cradle Of Filth tone using impulses


Aug 28, 2006
Hey guys this is my 1st attempt ever at creating a tone using impulses only,
I went for the tone from COF's filthy little secrets, i used the left side guitar as a reference, check it out see what u think.

My guitar track isnt doubled and would probably sound even closer if it were.

I used,

voxengo crunchessor
guitar rig 2 - jcm model
pristine space using

1. 48d-spln-4x12-gb_57-57nc.wav
Amp: Cobra Effects Return Deep @ 3:00 (Mike's Cab)
Cab: Splawn 4x12
Speaker: Manowar (Top Right)
Mics: 57 no xfmr straight on / 421II @ 45 deg

2. 42c-spln-4x12-gvnr_57nx-i5
Amp: Cobra Effects Return Deep @ 3:00 (Mike's Cab)
Cab: Splawn 4x12
Speaker: Manowar (Top Right)
Mics: 57 no xfmr straight on / 421II @ 45 deg

found here -

The clip was then matched with curve eq and some further matching using Harbal:notworthy

cheers guys

oh the 1st guitar is cradles sample then mines.
pretty close...

The palm muted parts are what sound very different to me, the cradle version has more bite...

the overall tone is close though...
yeah i think i might push the gain up a tad there is a lack of bite the jcm 800 model on guitar rig 2 doesnt push out a tone of gain, haha i think i have the master and pre at 10 maybe a cat dist will help.

do u think the l2 limiter would help level it out a bit ?
ive heard alot of people saying they use that to even out the palm mutes but ive never tried it.