crane song spider


Dec 2, 2006
New York, NY
i noticed this a while ago on andy's equipment list

i'm guessing a $6000 preamp with on board AD/DA converters would be quality. am i wrong in assuming that. for instance let's say i was going to get it (i wish) would i be better off using the converters on board or still using 3rd party like apogee ad16x or something
Cranesong certainly qualifies for "top of the heap." The converters on it would be just fine.... I'd use them before apogee, that's for sure. Actually, I prefer my Fireface's converters to my Apogee's, so go figure.
Kinda related question here, the spider only having 8 preamps, anyone know what Andy uses it for? I assume maybe guitars, vocals and bass, and then something else for drums?
hes got an api 3124+(4 channels) and a focusrite red 4 channel pre, and 2 amek pres and an ssl stereo pre and the 16 lovely pres on the control 24, so....

spider - 8 + api = 12 + red = 16 + amek = 18 + ssl = 20 + control 24 = 36

plus more hes probably not listed on the site
think thats right, chime in if i missed the mark sneapdizzle
Cranesong certainly qualifies for "top of the heap." The converters on it would be just fine.... I'd use them before apogee, that's for sure. Actually, I prefer my Fireface's converters to my Apogee's, so go figure.

wow knock on the apogee. does everyone else feel this way also. by the way i'm not talking about the rosetta, i'm talking about their flagship ad/da16x models.

my next $5000 or so that i was gonna spend was gonna be a nice 2(or more) channel pre-amp and quality converters.

i was gonna go with a great river or api 2 channle plus an apogee ad16x

but i figure that is almost $6000 anyway, so if the crane song gives me more mic inputs anyway, pus it has better converters than the apogee it's probably more sensible.
before i look at those keep in mind i don't have an unlimited budget. like i said i am looking to spend max 5-7k before end of summer on pres and converters and just improving the front of my mac/logic system.

i only figured apogee because you hear the name so much and i've rarely heard bad things about them. i know they tend to color tone a little and yea if i had 10k to spend on just converters alone i could end up getting like a prism or something but not in that price range i don't know about anythign else that's as good.

i love the great river oz i know you have one :) but aside from you having one i've wanted the mercenary 2 ch for a while. i've seen many producers work with them (with an apogee system) and have loved how it sounded.
great rivers rule, but then, so do manley's, chandlers, api's, universal audios, oh how the shopping list goes on