Preamp Test: Crane Song Spider, Digi003 , Octopre LE


Jun 20, 2007
Hi there,

Did another shootout between my different preamps and i thought it may interest some of you out there.

All the preamps used their self as master clock, and of course that effected the sound.

I also heard that the Crane Song (gain 30db on preamp) clip isn't as loud as the others so import to DAW to set the levels.

The record chain is this: Gibson Les paul --> Radial DI --> DAW --> X-amp --> 6505 --> Mesa Rectifier 2x12 --> Sm57 --> Back to DAW. test.rar

/ Cheers Christian
They are very very close.
The only difference I found is in the palm mute section. The CraneSong wins there, followed by the Octopre and the OO3 (the less tight).
Apart this section, they sound very similar...probably it can be the playing..don't know. I remember your other preamp test and in that case the Cranesong supremacy was more clear
Yeah, listen to the lowend, that is where the Crane Song shines. It is so much tighter then the other two.

Im gonna buy a little labs redcloud soon, then i will be able to hit the preamps much harder, see if it is bigger difference then.