crap amps


ding dong doodly doo
May 23, 2006
the meh system
well, im just about to start working and i want to get a tube half stack. the valve king is realy afordable, but my friend says it sounds like shit. i was also thinking about buying a b-52 head and giving it to him in exchange for a ad100 head and cab. he wants to trade so he can have the b-52 half stack. which should i do?
im not a fan of the valveking because it doesn't sound too good and i heard its not reliable. i think the majority of people buy it just because they want to have a tube amp but it might cost them. as for the b-52 amp, i never played one so im not sure how good it is. as for the vox, if you like it, go for it but not all people are fans of those amps because they tend to sound digital so it would be best if you tried out different amps.
i really like how it adds a tuby warmth to my sound. since im using a really crappy pedal (death metal) it adds a good fatness. also, it gives ,y seven string a nice low end wihout being too bassy. so i think im going w/ the vox.
i like how it adds a tuby warmth to my crappy digital tone. even tho its only a single tube, it doesn't sound over solid stately. that and the fact that my seven string has crappy pick ups and im using the worlds worst pedal(death metal) and it still sounds good make me want to go with the vox.
^The vox goes for more of a rock sound but if you know how to eq it right, its good for metal.