about amps

everyone tells me that the powerball just kills, I believe it, (I've heard the fireball) but it's really a monster (and an expensive one). I don't know if I really need such an amp.....
when I tested the fireball at a shop, I also tried a peavey 5150 (though i cant remember if it was a 5150 or a 5150 II) and liked the fireball a little betterm, with the exception about beeing able to switch from clean to distortion.
I asked a guy who has some experience in playing in a band, and if I got him right, talking about the power of an amp, the trick is to be loud enough for band-rehearsals, right? when on stage you'll run your amp through the PA or whatever anyway, right?
now, I got the idea of getting one of the ENGL 50W-heads and a 4*12 cab, would this work?
I also looked for amps on ebay, but I just dont have enough experience with amps to know which would suit me (except the ones I was able to test in shops).....
anyone know anything about the differences of that 2 types of cabinets (with the different speakers)????? theres a 200€ price difference between the 2 models, so I guess there have to be other differences, too...............
Strigoi: hey, that site is great :)

now: what would you pay for a used Blackmore, including an ENGL Speaker Cabinet Type 412 and footswitch??

also: what about other peavey modells? anyone know anything about the Peavey Ultra Plus 120? what should it cost? (used/new)

btw: what I want to play with the amp is kinda Black/Thrash/Melodic Death -metal (in that order) I'd need HEAVY distortion, but I don't want that ultra-true-and-grim blackmetal sound, where the guitar produces barely more than a thin hiss, that sounds kinda like background noise if it's not playing alone........

edit: and what about the Peavey Supreme XL, from the description, it looks as if it had everything I could want, and it costs only 500€ new (!) wich seems very little money for a 120W head
I've seen one go on eBay for around $850. I don't see too many Engl's on eBay though. I really like my Engl but you might also look at the Peavey Triple XXX or Laney VH100R, I've seen both go for new under $1k.

By the way I use G-flex 2x12 cabs as you might have seen in my avatar and they're plenty loud. You might consider that if you're looking to spend less money and don't absolutely need a 4x12. You can always get a 2nd one and stack them. They're nice sounding cabs.
triple XXX would be 1140€ (head) or 1480€ (combo) a little expensive...... but I've seen quite a lot of other interesting looking peavey-models for less money. I'd probebly just have to go to a shop and test them.....
I see a used Blackmore plus engl 412-cab plus footswitch for 750€ (2 more days), but the guy wants the buyer to come and get the amp, problem is, this would be about 6 hours of driving for me, at the least i'd have to wait another 3 weeks until i had the time for this...... (i just sent him a mail, about what it would cost to send the stuff)
ENLG 4X12's are really no better than anything marshall has to offer, infact, the ENGL cabs have less power, with only vintage 30 speakers, get 75 watt speakers,
marshall 300 watt 1960 cabinets = :rock:
Speaker cab wise:
Right, here we go. First off, speaker cabs WILL affect your sound. Lower wattage speakers will break up faster, while higher rating ones will remain clearer etc. Personally I prefer a blend of both, the old vintage cab sound for the warmth, and a more mofdern high rating cab for the tighter low and clearer high end.

Basically, you'll have to trust your ears on this one, not all heads will sound the same through different cabs, sometimes it best to mix and match, but only your ears can really help you on this one.
basically take your two favorite heads (A and B), and yoru two favorite cabs (1 and 2), and mix them
see which one yoru like the most, then buy it.
what are the main differences (sound-wise, power-wise) between Tube-, solid-state, trans-tube-amps?
I see that there are huge price-differences. are tube-amps SO much better? would a non-tube-amp do the job (home, rehearsals, stage), too (i still have to test some of these amps, concentrated mostly on tube-amps so far)?
Hexer said:
what are the main differences (sound-wise, power-wise) between Tube-, solid-state, trans-tube-amps?
I see that there are huge price-differences. are tube-amps SO much better? would a non-tube-amp do the job (home, rehearsals, stage), too (i still have to test some of these amps, concentrated mostly on tube-amps so far)?
stick with tube amps, they are easier to fix if they mess up, and solid state sounds to dry to me, like a fender, My power is Going to be tube, and i know most musicians now days still prefer tube amps
A tube amp will retain its clarity and punch over a long distance, while the sound of a solid state amp will dissapate. I played a small gig recently, and although my rhythm guitarist's 120 watt Crate solid state amp was louder on stage, my 30 watt Mesa/Boogie tube amp was the one which could still be heard clearly at the back of the room... poor rhythm guitarist, couldn't be heard unless I was soloing... haha.

None of this matters if you will be playing using a PA system to boost your sound though. I personally think solid state amps sound very dull, and the larger ones always seem to come with those retarded digital effects which I would refuse to pay for. Tube amps sound much warmer, and are more dynamic, unlike solid state amps which turn into a big blob of static.
does anyone have any experience with the ENGL Savage 60 (the 60W-version of the Savage-head)???
the question is: can I switch from heavy distortion to clean with ths amp (using a footswitch)??? the clean doesnt have to be TOTALY clean, but you should be able to hear, that its meant to be a clean sound, and not a light-distroted rock-sound

in other words: does this amp have the same problem as the fireball?
basically what you are saying is:
I should rather get one of these 50W tube-combos (like the ENGL Screamer for example) than a 100W solid state head or something, did I get that right?

after all, If I need more power, I can still buy a 4*12 cab or something and plug the combo into it, right?
if i did that, id use the combo amp as a monitor for the drummer, if and when you start a band, once i gt my setup done, im going to buy a 1X12 Mesa speaker for my drummer, and maybe one for my other guitar player, for live playing and what not.
I found a used ENGL Screamer 50 top with footswitch and "Marshall series" 4*12cab (the guy says its just like a marshall-cab without the name on it), The Screamer is 1 year old. problem is: one of the 4 speakers of the cab doesn't work....
I asked the guy about it and he said, the cab sounds just like normal, he just noticed it when he wanted to mic the amp an placed the mic in front of the not-working speaker.
question is: would this be any good or should I rather go to a shop and buy a new amp? (I know, that the Screamer is good, what I'm having problems with is the cab)
also: if its any good: what would you pay for that??
Hexer said:
I found a used ENGL Screamer 50 top with footswitch and "Marshall series" 4*12cab (the guy says its just like a marshall-cab without the name on it), The Screamer is 1 year old. problem is: one of the 4 speakers of the cab doesn't work....
I asked the guy about it and he said, the cab sounds just like normal, he just noticed it when he wanted to mic the amp an placed the mic in front of the not-working speaker.
question is: would this be any good or should I rather go to a shop and buy a new amp? (I know, that the Screamer is good, what I'm having problems with is the cab)
also: if its any good: what would you pay for that??
First off, this guy is probably bullshitting you about the "Marshall" name that doesn't exist on it. Marshall, for rock/punk/metal is the best speakers. The speakers that are on the Stock 300 watt marshalls are Celestion 75 watts speakers, if you need power, dont settle for anything less. if you are looking for a Deep low end also, try in conjunction with a Mesa 2 12. Also the wood used is different, Marshall uses birch wood, which resonates nice. So if your looking for Sharp clarity, Marshall; if yoru looking for deep booming brutal tones, mesa.

I should fucking work for these companies, i can see these things.