My band and equipment.


New Metal Member
Apr 7, 2008
hey people.
I just want to introduce my band Excalibur.
Myspace >
Feel free to add us to friends list.

My guitar isnt anything special when it comes to brand. But I still love it.
The guitar is an Epiphone Les Paul Custom. My amp is a ENGL Fireball head with Hughes&Kettner 4x12 Celestion v30 speakers.
Sounds killer for Metal. I think you can really compare this amp with Mesa and Marshall. It has its own typical ENGL sound. ENGL are becomming huge when we speak about guitar amps. Ive been trying a lot of amps in 6 months. And finally I fell in Love with ENGL amps.

You metal fans should try ENGL.
right now Im saving for a new PRS or Schecter Diamond guitar.
but Norway is an expansive country.

I sold all my Distortion pedals after buying ENGL Fireball. Ive had Boss MT2 Metal Zone, POD 2.0, DS1, SD1, Metal Muff and some other pedals.

One thing is sure.. A real tubeHighgain amp is the best Distortion metal sound you can get.

Shite, Im talking too much, Sorry. Just sure your experience about ENGL or any other metal amps. :Smug:

I can upload a recorded sample of how it sounds if anyone want.

My rig. (i'm kinda proud of it, sorry :p)



I've played the powerball too.
After testing a lot of amps, I had to choose between Fireball. Powerball or Marshall JVM.
Fireball sounds best for Metal imo. but the Powerball has more channels, including Crunch and noice gate.
Try the Fireball. There are A LOT of people who prefer Fireball better than Powerball. Powerball has more watts 60 vs 100.
But in tube amps watts doesn't have too much to say. From 60watt to 100watt the pball sounds only like 3db higher than fireball
Orange Tiny Terror is 15 watt tube amp than can play louder than a 50watt solidstate/transistor.

but I wish the Fireball had s peparate EQ or at least Gainfor each channel. I use to have the Gain at 3/10 with Ultra Gain channel to play Pantera, CoB, Metallica.
dude, 3db = twice the power

remember, dB is a ratio. every three dB is double

also, the first part of the OP is total spam. dont do that.
A lesson in wattage:

A watt is a watt. One watt will produce the same amount of volume with identical conditions regardless if the amp is solid state or tube.

50W of SS power is the same volume as 50W of tube power. Tube amps with lower wattages can appear to be louder because they are in reality operating at much higher wattages than their rated output. This is because, when a tube overdrives, it produces even order harmonics which are pleasing to the ear. A solid state circuit that overdrives will produce odd order harmonics which do not sound good.

Of course, new solid state technology can sound very good. However, in order to make it sound as good as possible, the solid state power section must be very clean and have a lot of headroom so it won't distort. A 100W solid state amp has 100W of clean power. You can crank it louder, but it will sound bad at 120W or whatever.

A tube amp rated at 100W has obviously 100W of clean power. After this point, it starts distorting, just like an SS amp. However, unlike the SS amp, the tube amp sounds better so you don't notice the distortion as much ( just like you can ignore pleasant scents or sounds much easier than unpleasant ones ). A fully cranked, 15W tube amp might actually be putting out closer to 30W of power.

On the difference between the Fireball and the Powerball, the Fireball is supposed to sound more raw, and the Powerball obviously has a lot of options. Other than that they are supposed to be pretty similar. I might end up with a Fireball in the end, depending on how things go. The 60W vs 100W thing is not a 3db difference, either. In order to double the volume ( IE, get a 3db increase of volume ), you have to multiply the power by 10. So, a 600W head would have 3db more than the Fireball.

I'm in a hurry and running of not-a-lot-of-sleep, so I might be wrong with what I said. If so, I apologize!
I have to agree on the ENGL fireball. It's an awesome amp for recording especially. The 60w is easier to push than the 100w version, so for studio it makes it even better.