Crate Blue Voodoo -- Any Suggestions?


May 3, 2006
I'm new on this board, and kinda new to recording, but everyone on here seems to know whats going on, so i figured I'd ask:

So I'm recording this band, and one of the 2 guitarists has a Crate Blue Voodoo half-stack. I know most of you on here probably aren't fond of those amps, and I'm not crazy about them either, but for what he's doing, i have to admit it kinda works. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for tracking with one (i.e. settings, mic's, cabs, that stuff).

In case it's helpful -- the guitar is an ESP Viper with EMG-81s in it, tuned to A# (!!!). The other guitarist is using a Gibson Explorer with 81's through a 5150 (and we've had no trouble getting that to sound good, obviously).

Any ideas? Andy, are you reading this?
Man, I wouldn't even have the guy bring in the Voodoo, let alone track it, unless the 5150 is really missing something.

Generally, though, for metal, you can't beat an SM57 on the right place of a V30 loaded cab.
Yeah, that's kind of what I was thinking. I'm just concerned with having both rhythm tracks sounding too similar if they're recorded with the same amp. Maybe use the 5150 for both but change the amp settings, or the mic setup?
Are you going to be quad or double tracking? If quad, I'd do two takes with the lead channel, and two takes with the rhythm channel with the crunch engaged and gain up, to add another texture. If you're just double tracking, then it'll sound fine with them both the same.
I actually had this idea...recording each part split through the 5150 and through a Sansamp GT2, for that extra angry sound. So it'd be sort of quad, even though we'd only track each thing once instead of twice. (I hope that makes sense, it's been a long day)

That is 4 tracks of an Ibanez RG550 with a DiMarzio Super Distortion tuned to drop C with 9-46 gauge strings running into a Blue Voodoo going through a V30 into an SM57 going into an old Soundcraft Spirit board.

Not the best sound (or playing, but that's a different story!) in the world, but it is definitely an amp you can get a cool sound out of.
Did Marty Friedman use the blue voodoo on any Megadeth album?

That could also be an idea, maybe do leadteck with it
South Of Heaven, that sounded pretty damn good actually. I like the song too. Maybe we'll try the Voodoo after all. Thanks man!
I have BV and am not really fond of it anymore. I'd like to trade it for a 5150 or something. Surprises me that you were able to record it really fucking loud. My BV (and all that I have seen in person) is quiet as hell on the gain channel. it on 10 and a 5150 on about 3 is the same volume. It's weird, the clean channel can get very loud, but the distortion channel is just weak.
That actually does sound pretty damn good, I'd definately consider using it.

But why the hell is that snare panned way over left!?!? Tool did this with Aenima (but it's panned right), and I can't listen to it because of that. It trips me out for some reason.
I think it's because they're panning the way a drumset is "naturally" panned. The snare is often a bit off to the left, (or the right if it's from the audience perspective) some people like it.