Creating a good, solid drumkit?


Aug 16, 2002
How do you go about it? Sampled kits are in various sample libraries, but there are always these one-shots all over the place. How do you personally create your own sampled kit, and I'm talking using totally sampled drums, nothing you record on your own?

For example, I can find a good kick and snare here and there, but once you put them together you find that they just don't quite 'mix' or blend in with the rest of the kit that you're building. We can find enough samples on this very forum to build a nice entire kit, but how do you go about constructing it?
It depends what you are doing. If you are triggering, I load multisamples into apptrigga, and if the hit velocity is constant during the song I set it to random mode with just a couple of loud hits. If the velocity changes, then I set it to normal mode and set it up like normal.

If you are building a kit for playing a pattern from midi (like DFHS or slate) then I can't help you because I use sonar session drummer and it just loads single samples haha

What I'm talking about is taking various samples and assembling your own drumkit. For example, take a snare sample that someone posted here from Finland, a kick that someone sampled and posted here from England, the cymbals from the USA etc etc and you're getting my point.

I'm talking about creating your very own drumkit from scratch, using various samples from all over the place. Do people do this a lot? I've found it a little more difficult to take various samples laying around the net and put them together, because then there's the 'blending' issue.

And by the way, I'm programming all of it, using a controller pad to do it. I don't have the luxury of using a real drummer, hence me using nothing but samples and creating this thread.
Ive never fully programmed the kit for a serious project - have done so for everything bar cymbals in the past.. When I have done so, Ive always been able to find kick and snare that go well together - perhaps just cos I have such a vast collection that I have so many combinations, so a few surely are going to be nice together - if you know what I mean haha..
Having said that, I normally have problems with toms.. They never seem to complement my kick and snare sound completely - I figure it may be my limited collection of tom samples. I dunno.
I guess I really didnt answer this well either :P sorry!
I guess I would say that I don't put a kit together to sound good by itself. Listen to the song and find which kick sounds good in that song and then which snare sounds good in that song.