How to create a good sample?


Mar 30, 2005
Which is the best way to create good samples from a kit?
Usually I record some hits of kick, some of snare, and all the toms.
I miced every hit only with the corresponding mic (kick sample -> kick mic, snare sample -> snare top and bottom, etc...) you usually do this way or do you record all the drums tracks for every hit?
I mean, for a kick drum sample do you use only the kick mic or do you blend also ambience and OH's? (same question for snare sample).

Really depends on what you want.

I wouldn't necessarily use all mics, but definitely direct mic and overheads. If you already have the snare in the overheads from the live performance, just the direct mic sample may be ideal for replacing the live direct mic snare or enhancing it.

You could also do a system similar to Slate and have a direct sample, overhead sample, and/or room sample either separate or premixed together.

Kick I would probably just use the kick mic. You may also want to do something special like also mic up the beater side and get some added click for your sample. Overheads may be desired in some cases depending on the sound you're after.

Makes me want to do some sampling. You're really free to experiment while sampling since you don't always have enough free channels or mics while actually tracking.
Like they said, it depends.

Normally, just to have more options, I will record a drum samples with every mic that is on the kit recording. They I have complete control over things...though I usually don't use much more that the main mic for whatever drum plus the OH or room.
I have this doubt because many samples I heard are way more fat and alive than the samples I did (only with close mics). For example the kick, usually if you mic it with a single mic the sample comes out very dead and dry but if you blend it with some room, it becomes fatter for sure.
Obviously I wouldn't blend all the mics for a snare or a kick, but only close mic and ambience
Like they said, it depends.

Normally, just to have more options, I will record a drum samples with every mic that is on the kit recording. They I have complete control over things...though I usually don't use much more that the main mic for whatever drum plus the OH or room.
