Creative slump (off topic)


Jul 23, 2010
So yeah this is more on the writing side, but i respect you guys and was lookin for advice here. But I've reached the stage where I'm a technically pretty good guitar player/drummer and I know a TON of theory as far as scales, keys, progressions etc especially in drop tuning (more than most of the local bands it seems :\)

Problem is now that I know this much theory it's hard to write music that sounds good cause I make it to technical, but when it's not technical, it feels unoriginal... I mean I've heard it all before.

So how Do you find the balance between originality, sounding good, and technicality...? (especially with this wave of sturgis-core types of bands who write most of their songs in the (harmonic)minor key of whatever drop tuning they're in)
Any insights?
Hm, all I can say is try to throw in some more diverse influences, but keep them within the context of what you're writing. Make it your own! For example, a lot of the stuff in our new album can be described as metalcore Mars Volta :p

Along with that, try building your riffs around unique progressions. Fiddle around until you find something that pops out and sounds different or weird. And don't be afraid to switch between scales within the song - from minor to harmonic minor, or maybe even your keys corresponding major key (ex C# minor to E major)

And most importantly, sometimes just take a break writing a song if the ideas aren't flowing. Work on a new one with a different tempo or mood that might fit what your currently thinking of on guitar, and revisit that old song later, with a mind full of fresh ideas. My band has brought back incomplete songs and riffs written years ago.
I do this a ton lol! verses will be major, chorus minor! haha but this is alot of good advice man i appreciate it.

i dig your band btw.

Thanks bro. What you all hear is all demos... with vocals, bass and production, it will sound all a lot nicer :) Most the "6/8" demo you hear was actually written basslines first, then guitar lines afterwards. Starting with a different instrument for inspiration can also help.
So how Do you find the balance between originality, sounding good, and technicality...? (especially with this wave of sturgis-core types of bands who write most of their songs in the (harmonic)minor key of whatever drop tuning they're in)
Any insights?

Just don't make similar music or "music" that was done in the past 5-10 years, and you will sound original. No smiley face.