Here's my shot at it! I would REALLY APPRECIATE FEEDBACK ON THIS!
has the vocals too!!!
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Here's my take, whipped up in a couple hours of free time so some things are a little off... snare is too papery, guitars are a little loud, lead part is a tiny bit off, ugh. I'll fix that in a bit

It might be my taste, and i´m not asking in a stupid way, but why do you have your drums so "wet"? The kick barely has any body/sub to it.
The guitars sound pretty good except for some low mids going on (ampsim, right?).
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Great mix dude!can u share the vocal chain?i like the distortion :-D

Hey, Thanks man! I appreciate it!! :)

The vocal chain are as follows; DeEsser>Vocal Rider>Q6>Decapitator(Tape Saturation)<-the distortion]>CLA-2A>CLA-76>Spacedsn(plate verb)>Echo>L1 Limiter pushed at a -12 attenuation.

The screams were great, but there was one clean vocal phrase I didn't really like so I cut it out.. sorry xD
Hey everyone,

I did a mix of the song (including marios.blythe vocals)
Spent ~1.5hrs on it. This is the result.

Would love some feedback...
...Or if anyone has any questions about it. Feel free to ask.


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Hey everyone,

I did a mix of the song (including marios.blythe vocals)
Spent ~1.5hrs on it. This is the result.

Would love some feedback...
...Or if anyone has any questions about it. Feel free to ask.


i listen to it with headphones...BRUTAL!
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