Crummy DM mix


Ultimate Meatbag
Sep 2, 2001
Spokane, WA

Hope it isn't too disappointing.

This is the byproduct of a guitar player who wanted to rush the process. I went back and forth for a few days as to whether or not I even wanted to dive into this pit of despair and said "fuck it". This, along with 5 others, was tracked in 2 days. No click, so it's sloppy. Yes, the overheads's about as good as I can get it with what I tracked, where I tracked it...since I was rushed to make it happen. Basically, I have been fucking with this for months now and need to get it off my plate.

Mix advice is welcome. I don't wanna hear about how sloppy the playing is, because I know.

Guitars = LTD F w/ EMG 81(br) -> mix of Lecto + SoloC -> highpres IR's
Bass = 1 copy LPF'd @ 350, 1 copy HPF'd @ 350 + Le456
Drums = SD2 replacement, decapitated kick blended with SD2 sample. Parallel comp on everything but OH's.
Master bus = 2 gclips.

Let the tearing-apart commence...
It sounds pretty decent considering how you tracked it. The snare could be smashed a little harder. Maybe smash the hell out of it the 2bus and call it good, rofl. Next time drill into the guitarist and show him some of your other stuff and compare it to this so he can care more about how it should sound. The tightness is my only real complaint for this style of music, but you are well aware of that!