"Cry of the Black Birds" Video Released!

So... now the question is.. When and where do we get to see?
Figured that was a good excuse to bump it back up, since you guys hopefully started filming today. :)

We actually finnished filming about 3 hours before you post. We put in a good 20 hours of filming for this one, and there was a bunch of people involved. I think it will turn out really cool...

But that's all I'll say right now... :kickass:
Along with mr Ardbeg's post.

Again, taken from www.amonamarth.com

The filming of the new video is done.

Yesterday we completed the filming of the new video for "Cry of the Black Birds", directed by William C. Schacht. It took 20 hours of blood, sweat and pain, in minus 14 degrees celcius, to get the video done. All that remains now is the editing of the filmed material.

We would like to thank the production team, for a job well done. But especially we would like to thank the generous people of Baldur's Hird. Without their dedication and proffesionalism this video would not have been possible.

So how long until you guys release it for public viewing? I guess editing should only take a few weeks.
Judging by the pictures, this video is going to kick some serious ass. Im glad that Amon Amarth seems to be doing that well, that they can afford a video with such battle scenes.
GROAAAAAARRRRRRRRR I am checking this site 4 times at day and Still nothing
We cant wait so long for Cry of the black birds video!!!!!