Feb 18, 2008
hey guys,

i am trying to get this working for about
half an hour now...without any sucess:waah:

here's how i set the thing up.

1. i created one midi track and one audio track.
2. i connected the MIDI out to the audio IN
3. i opened a midi file (just a simple kick beat)
4. i loaded trigger in the audio track insert and loaded a sample.
5. i enabled midi in and set up the midi IN note to
match the note played in the midi file.

nothing happens. where's the error?

So you've got your midi track out set to trigger, and trigger's midi in is enabled (midi out disabled just for redundancy) and set to the same exact note that's being triggered (probably C1 for a kick)? That should be working, see if it works with aptrigga in it's place or something - I've been using trugger/C5 like this all week with no issues.
that's exactly how i have set it up. not working :(
i'll see if i can get a demo of aptrigga and try if it works.

here are some pics of the setup.
i think it's right but maybe there's a mistake i don't see.
click on pics to enlarge.

haha, why are there minus values!?
isn't C0 supposed to be the "lowest" midi note in all establshed sequencers!?

thanks a lot for the hint!!!
i'd never find this out by myself:lol:

Had the same problem, but figured it out after about 3 minutes. Was a damn frustrating 3 minutes though.

Are you finding Trigger triggers properly even with the delayed MIDI notes that its output prints?
i guess, as a long time cubase user i just could not imagine that there could be something below C0:lol:
no idea about midi OUT, i'm just happy that midi IM works now.

just tried to play back a midi file using superior 2.0 and trigger simultaneously.
the is a clearly audible delay between superior2 and trigger, i hope it's just my settings again...
I think, we just need to set default note to C3. It'll solve problem =)

haha, why are there minus values!? isn't C0 supposed to be the "lowest" midi note in all establshed sequencers!?

It's just a Yamaha midi standard :)

just tried to play back a midi file using superior 2.0 and trigger simultaneously. the is a clearly audible delay between superior2 and trigger, i hope it's just my settings again...

Unfortunately it's the problem of MIDI standard. Its accuracy depends on buffer size, hardware, host, number of plugins in project, etc.. You can fix it by shifting the MIDI track.

We doing some researches trying to find workaround to avoid MIDI standard problems. As soon as we finish our research work, we'll release a free TRIGGER update.
yeah, a negative midi value as default seems not well chosen.

about the delay...i'm having the same problem when triggering audio signals,
i hope an update will fix this.

about the delay...i'm having the same problem when triggering audio signals, i hope an update will fix this.


Wow! Then it's the problem with settings. I always getting 100% phase accurate result in audio mode.

As for MIDI, I getting 0.5 ms constant delay on my main machine and 2 ms on my notebook.

If you want, you can send me your tracks and I'll send projects for Cubase, so you can check your settings and compare with mine.
the problem seems to appear only in the TRIGGER plugin itself.
if i compare the original file to an exported TRIGGER file they match 100%
but if i use the mix function in TRIGGER there's an clearly audible delay...could be my computer,
it has more than enough power but one of my HDD's seems to be dying :(
