Cubase 5 users??? Most annoying things about it??


Sep 7, 2008
London, UK
I'm fielding for information on Cubase 5 in relation to recording; and since I'm probably working in a similar manner to a lot of you guys (recording guitar based music with sampled drums) I thought I'd ask here.

What are some of the most annoying things about Cubase 5? I'm considering the plunge, but I don't want to spend all that money without really knowing what I'm getting myself in for.

I'm looking to switch from Reaper to something else. Cubase 5 is on my list, as is Presonus Studio One (when it comes out).

Pro Tools is off the list, because I don't want to use my Profire 2626 as a soundcard; I'm using it with my RME Hammerfall card to get really low latencies and better performance. Since PT is locked to certain hardware, it is not a viable option for me.

I'm also using Windows 7 at the moment, which affects my decision too. I might in the future move over to Snow Leopard, but will have to see how it pans out.
I went from Cubase 3 to Cubase 5 and it works brilliantly. Really awesome platform, there might be some preferences you might want to change like DSS3 says but it's all a matter of taste anyway. There are some minor issues people are having and if you take a look at you will get a lot of info on it. For instance people have had very different results on save times. The new internal convolution reverb apparently causes crashes for some and IME it's more sensitive overall to crashes than Cubase 3 but they don't happen midproject, at least not for me. It's when you save and close a session that it can become unstable. But besides that it's running perfectly here.

Drum editing sucks, and have always sucked. Steinberg says they will probably not implement a Beat Detective feature until version 6 of the software. In the meantime I transfer tracks to PT LE, do my editing and then go back. MUCH faster and MUCH better. The new batch export function is also awesome, and that you can now route every single track pretty much wherever you like.
C5 has been flawless on both my PC and MAC computers.

As for the drum editing thing...I can work quickly in Cubase so it is no problem at all for me. However, like I said, I do have PTHD at the studio also. So, I can use that if necessary, but I rarely do
It sucks at editing drums. It's my only complaint.
for me too in fact any midi related stuff at all. this is why i prefer to use Sonar it does everything that cubase can and also has awesome midi editing. couldn't be any better in my opinion you have the staff view, piano roll, events, even tabs (not like in guitar pro but still good)

back on topic what are the most annoying things about it hmmmm
i don't have much experience with it but it was damn annoying that one project that was recorded by my drummer with his cubase was impossible to open with my cubase.
for me too in fact any midi related stuff at all. this is why i prefer to use Sonar it does everything that cubase can and also has awesome midi editing.

What the hell? One of Cubase's strongest points is it's midi features. I've used Sonar - Cubase does everything and more. Those drum maps practically define my work flow!
I heard from some heavy midi users that Sonar had a couple of midi features that were very useful that Cubase didn't have, but I think is there now in v5? It had something to do with the logical editor or something, can't remember. Not a super heavy midi user myself though but Cubase has been known for its superiority in the midi field since day 1 basically.
What the hell? One of Cubase's strongest points is it's midi features. I've used Sonar - Cubase does everything and more. Those drum maps practically define my work flow!
i was referring to the midi editing/writing. i find it hard and un motivating to work by moving just boxes in piano roll for me it is much more natural to work in staff view and the one in sonar just easy to work with.
for me too in fact any midi related stuff at all. this is why i prefer to use Sonar it does everything that cubase can and also has awesome midi editing. couldn't be any better in my opinion you have the staff view, piano roll, events, even tabs (not like in guitar pro but still good)

My issue with 5 is that it's still the same DAW that 3 was, except with all the features that should've already been in 3. The DAW is getting outclassed all-round. PT8 left it in the dust, and it seems Logic soon will too. Can't imagine Studio One would be a different story.
Yeah Cubum has staff view, might wanna check around your menus to find it :) Also, if you were referring to drum programming being a pain... well it seems like you are using the piano roll which is crap... try the drum editor, it's why Cubase owns when it comes to programming drums.
I'd have to say that stability seems abit low on it. I was expecting abit better. I guess up untill this point I've mainly been using it with massive amounts of editing and an aging PC, so that may be the cause of the problem. Other than that it seems pretty good to get around and the built in verbs are pretty sexy!
if i do heavy variaudio work (like tuning 3 vocal tracks),
cubase will crash... but after restarting cubase, everything is fine again.

most annoying thing for me is that there is still not tab to transient...