Cubase doesn't bounce anymore?

Ok, nevermind about that, it bounced fine, I was opening the old one. The section before the part where Cubase stops playing bounced without a problem. I wonder if I could bounce the other half of the song by itself, and just put the two sections together...ok...nope, still freezes at the same part each time. Ugh, this is really gay.

Seems like you're screwed then, err, maybe create a copy of the project and see if deleting the section where it bombs out, and the surrounding 10secs say, and try and export the whole track. It looks like you're gonna have to re-do the song from the first half onwards.

Edit: you still haven't confirmed if you have reinstalled cubase yet or not.
Perhaps corrupt .wav/hard disk?

It happened to me some months ago with an HDD through a bad power cable. Could be a corrupt file as well... Do you playback it normally?

If nothing else works, you can try installing Nuendo (it opens .cpr files) and bouncing through it.
I'm about to re-install right now, just woke up, haha. I didn't mean to sleep in but it's my day off from the studio so I try to enjoy it as much as possible (no morons thinking they are the shit, horrible music). I'm going to try that and then see what happens. They aren't corrupt wav's because they all play in QuickTime from start to finish, so it's gotta be Cubase. All of my other programs export/bounce just fine (Digital Performer 4.61 and 5.0, ProTools LE 7.0) so again, it's gotta be Cubase. Hopefully the re-install will work, if not...I dunno, I guess I'll have to create a new template in Digital Performer for mixing my drums. :( We'll see....

Have you tried bouncing something else since this started? Only it sounds like your having an issue with this one point in one project, so if something else will bounce then it's not a problem with Cubase. Maybe try bouncing each track on its own and see if theres a problem with one of them - it's more likely that the project file is corrupt, not the actual sound files - in which case reinstalling Cubase won't help.

Good call, you should probably try another project and see if this issue is constant.. if it is, cubase or anything connected to cubase is corrupted, if it's just that project, something went wrong in that project file...

Wait.. suicide just said that as well.. im just repeating him.. ;)

Good call...
to repair your permissions go to utilities > disk utility >then click on your hard drive on the left and click repair disk permissions
Yeah, it was just the project file. I made a new project and imported the tracks to it, added all my plugs, then pressed play and hoped to god it would play all the way through, it did! So I guess it was just that project. Whew! Thanks a ton guys!

Ha, good to hear!

I hate it when shit like that happens, I used to have issues with Sonar crashing (it my own stupid fault I should add) and everytime it did it took the project with it - I ended up setting it to autosave after every change so I had a backup :erk:
