Cubase export problems


Sep 22, 2010
Orlando, FL
I've been working on a project recently and exporting some rough mixes so I can listen to them in my car, seeing how well they translate and whatnot. A few days ago I was listening and something sounded really weird, like something was missing. It turned out that the guitar left didn't bounce down with the rest of the audio. I double-checked output settings and to make sure nothing was muted in Cubase, listened back carefully and exported again. Same problem, no left side guitar. Bounced the audio, copied it to a new track, all the while everything sounds fine in the program but on exporting that fucking guitar is still gone. I exported one more time, only this time I completely renamed the song and then the guitar finally came back.

It's done this a few more times with random tracks, but up until last week it's never happened to me before. I was using WinXP until a couple months ago and upgraded to Win7 and have been with C4.5 for a long while now. Has anyone ever heard of this happening? Should I bite the bullet and upgrade to C6? Should I say fuck Cubase altogether and go the PT9 or Sonar X1 route? Should I pull the trigger on a Distressor for $1150 (and maybe an additional discount. I'm aware this has nothing at all to do with the topic)?
Considering I have NEVER had this problem personally, nor heard of it btw, I fail to see how totally ditching Cubase is a logical response to the issue. There is something set wrong somewhere. That's like buying a new car when the one you have runs out of gas...