Cubase Note Timing Perfection


New Metal Member
Sep 28, 2011
Hello all! New to the forums, but I've been able to find lots of useful information from this place without even having to sign up to the site! (Hope that doesn't come out wrong, haha.) But anyways, I've been searching my ass off for weeks to my question with no prevail. So, after checking out all the forums, this seems to be the most useful place to post for obvious reasons. Good answers, friendly forum, great advice, ect. I could go on with great stuff, but ANYWAYS!

So, I'm looking to find out something that probably has a simple answer but is so confusing for me to figure out. I've been using Cubase 5 for a couple years for recording and such. I've also been around a bunch of studios with my main band and different bands as a studio drummer. I've learned a lot through those studios for recording methods. My friend got a two channel interface a couple months back and he runs Cubase 5 as well. Combining what we know, we started practicing our recording methods. I'm really into metal, hardcore, and pop punk. Also, being a drummer, I'm a stickler for timing. :err: So, onto my question.

I've recently recorded with my main band at a studio that uses Logic 9. I'm extremely aware of its new tool, "Flex Time". I won't explain as I'm sure you all know about it, but its method of note timing correction without making it sound compressed or stretched is AMAZING! I've been recording some parts were the palm mutes on a guitar and the kick could be tighter, but I'm not sure of a full proof working method of note correction in Cubase 5. I'm aware of the Warp Tabs and I read in the manual about the free warp, but after all my attempts, no matter how I do it, the audio then sounds stretched or compressed. As were in Flex Time does not create this problem. So my question is finally this:

What is the best method of Note Timing Correction in Cubase 5? Is there anything that comes close to Flex Time that I'm not aware of, or maybe I'm not using the Warp Tabs right? I'm not sure, but hopefully you can help me shed some light on this guys. It's extremely frustrating as I've spent many a nights up late trying to do this. Thanks so much!
Just to be a little more clear, I'm looking to edit mainly guitar notes and vocals. I've got drum editing down to a T, but it seems like Warp Tabs, VariAudio, Slip Editing and such don't work well with guitars :(

EDIT: After more searching. I found I just wasnt doing the Slip Editing right. Thanks a lot for help in the other posts and clear cut answers even though no one responded here, haha. It's alright. It was probably a newbie mistake anyways. I'll post a mix down of our first song recorded when I'm done. :)