cubase/pro tools question


May 19, 2010
Hey fellas, does anyone know of a way to use elastic audio in pro tools, with files recorded in cubase? I've tried exporting a wav file of the click with all the tempo changes and use beat detective to try and get the same tempo in pro tools but it didn't work. Any ideas?
damn, i just read this and realized how little information I gave haha I know how to use elastic audio, personally I think it's a hell of a lot faster than slip editing and I would prefer to use it. The problem is that in order for it to work the tempo in pro tools needs to be set, and with all of these tempo changes it's kind of hard to set it up, hence the beat detective that royally fucked everything up.
It might make sense to somehow save a midi file from Cubase and that will contain all tempo change data (I assume). Then import into Pro Tools as new track and tick import tempo/time signature data.
cubase for some reason doesn't export the tempo on the midi track, but they do have a "export tempo track" function but it only exports as a steinberg master track file and there ain't no way in hell that'll work.