Cubase slow load times


Mar 14, 2011
Cubase opens fine, but the project files take forever to open. Anywhere from 1-3 minutes, even on a plug-in light, small session. I had my computer setup PERFECTLY, and Cubase opened session files in literally 5 seconds - even my largest projects. Now, after not doing a thing to my recording PC, the projects load unbearably slow.

I'm not going to re-install windows again, this is like the 5th re-install and all was working great. I even had a backup, but it was only through the windows xp backup utility - so you can guess how that didn't exactly work correctly. I can't detect a virus, or notice anything else strange. All my other programs work fine.

Has anybody else had this problem before and does anyone know how to solve it? The only thing I can think of is a failing hdd, but I just bought this drive 4 months ago.
Yes, it's good. Even tried swapping ram back to some old 1gb sticks instead of the 2gb stick and its still happening.
Well it's working fine, windows loads fine, other programs load fine. It's not making any strange noises that my previous failed drives have made.