Cubase suddenly stops playing audio


Dec 12, 2006
The Netherlands
Alright, i have Cubase 5 with a EMU 0404 USB. I'm running Windows 7 64 bit.
In windows, i can play audio with Winamp without any problem. But, when i start Cubase my winamp (or any audio) is suddenly muted.

I also can't hear anything within cubase, however, i sometimes hear 1 second of very soft cracking noise and my cubase audio in the background. But then it disappears and i hear nothing.

I own this interface for a month, but i only have this problem since this week. On a other PC i don't have this problem.
I tried re-instaling Cubase but that didn't solve the problem.
Reaper doesn't have this problem (it did, but it disappeared).

Here are some screenshots of my settings:

I typically do not have Windows setup to use my interface for built-in OS sounds. I only allow Cubase to use the device.

That being said, I take the standard 1/8" out of my PC, and plug it into the small format mixer next to me, and I route all of my outputs through that into my monitors.

I'm wondering if by having Windows use the device for audio playback and Cubase trying to use it at the same time is causing you a conflict.
Alright, this is SO extremely wierd ...

I followed your advice and disabled the EMU in the Sound device list. I rebooted my pc, started cubase and i thought: Let's try another project ... launched another project: And i had AUDIO!!!
Then, back to my current project: NO sound ... So i was thinking, when happened the mistake ... So i started to remove some tracks and i had my audio back with lots of crackling noise. Then i muted all the Inserts on every track and i had my audio fully working.

Used memory is 50% (4GB) but my CPU (Intel T3400 (2x2.16GHz)) is between the 80 and 90% (with peaks to 100%).

It seems that the problem is my CPU. But i've already been working 2 weeks on this project without having this problem.
I'm running 9 channels:
- SSD EX + Comp
- 2x Ampeg SVX with Comp
- 2 audio tracks with Roomworks
- 4 guitar tracks with Gate + TSS + TSE X30 + Poulin Lecab

This week i'm going to reinstall my notebook, that will probably/hopefully fix it.
arvoitus, the screen shots of your setup all look fine to me.

1. Are you trying to run two audio programs at the same time ( Cubase + something else ) ?
If you are running two Audio programs at the same time, what happens when you run Cubase on its own ?

2. Have you installed any new software on your machine in the last week ?
If so, what programs have you installed ?
Try uninstalling these new programs.

3. Do you have windows sound alerts turned on ?
Try turning them off.
I've found that issue many times with Amp sims, and my DAW is NOT short on resources in any way.

Try adjusting your buffer rate for the ASIO in the Emu MUCh higher, like 1024, just to see it if works then.

If not, I'm afraid it's just a amp sim resource hogging issue.
Gosh, you must have posted while I was writing my reply.

Good to hear you have solved the problem.

EDIT : Your PC should be able to handle the load, I think the problem is roomworks.
: try using a less CPU intensive reverb plugin.
I checked the Steinberg site, the following may help you :

2. Initialising Preferences

Corrupted program preference files can bring your Steinberg sequencer into all kinds of troubles, particularly after installing an update.
Fortunately, refreshing the preferences is quite easy:

* Quit the sequencer.
* Go to "Start menu > (All) Programs > *Your Steinberg Sequencer* and select "Open *Your Steinberg Sequencer* Application Data Folder". 
It's a direct link to the folder where all program relevant settings and preferences are stored. It will be opened in a new Windows Explorer window.
* Go up one level in the directory tree by hitting Alt + Up Arrow (Vista) or Backspace (XP, above Enter key). 
Now you are in the Steinberg folder within the "Application Data" (XP) resp. "Roaming" folder (Vista) of Windows.
* Locate the folder which is named the same as your sequencer, for example "Cubase 5".
* Rename it (for example to "xCubase 5") in order to hide it from the sequencer.

Next time you start the sequencer it will create a new folder with fresh preferences and default settings - which hopefully fixes the problem you've experienced.

Please note: If you find folders of previous Steinberg sequencer installations make sure to hide them too by renaming or removing them. Otherwise the sequencer would try to comply with them when creating fresh preferences. And exactly this could be the source of errors.

Initialising the sequencer's preferences does not necessarily mean that you lose all settings. For example if you have defined your own set of key commands that you want to keep you can replace the corresponding file (Key Commands.xml) in the freshly created folder by a copy of the same file taken from the folder you've disabled by renaming.

Alternative ways: Instead of renaming it you also can move the preferences folder of your sequencer from Steinberg's application data folder to another place, for example the Desktop. You even can simply trash it if you are sure that your user settings are not that hard to rebuild. Another approach: Since in many cases the file "Defaults.xml" will be the trouble maker you also could try if renaming or deleting only this particular file already solves the problem.

This Knowledge Base article provides further information on Cubase's preferences and their location: "Cubase and Nuendo Program Preferences Files in Detail"

Making a backup of the preferences obviously is a good idea, especially when you customize a lot. And it's easy: Simply keep a copy of the preferences folder that you can fall back on whenever you need to reset the preferences to your preferred settings.
yea, in the first shot your VST IO meter is maxed out, so you've ran out of CPU power to run your plugs!

increasing the buffer size (at the cost of increased latency), should give you some more CPU to play with.. aside from that, there isn't really that much that can be done! (except a faster CPU).

oh, make sure you're using the EMU ASIO audio driver, and not the directX full or half duplex driver.
