Cubase Users....Mix Templates


Protools Guru
Mar 21, 2006
Kelowna, B.C. Canada
So I've just jumped on the Cubase train, and I was just wondering if some of you could shed some light on your usual template for mixing.

Right now how I have mine setup is as follows:

Drum tracks feed these busses.

Kick Buss
Snare Buss
Snare Crush Buss
Toms Buss
Cymbals Buss
Rooms buss

All of this feeds another 2 groups (drums/drums comp)

My bass tracks feed these busses (I get just a DI most of the time)

Bass clean Buss
Bass Dirty Buss
BAss SUB Buss

All this feeds a Bass group

Rhythm Guitars and NON solo guitars feed a GTR BUSS


Both of those feed a GTRS GROUP.

My vocals feed these busses:

Lead vox BUSS

All these feed a VOCALS GROUP.

Anything else with feed another buss and then feed a group...

So basically the setup goes in this layer system.

Track-Buss-Final Group-Master Fader

I also have 2 Verbs,4 Delays, a chorus, a flanger, and a distortion setup on Fx sends....

Just wanted to know how everyone else is setting there's up....
have you tested for phase accuracy yet? (dont check the raw channel, check with actual plugins inserted)

i can't get drum and drum comp to phase align for the life of me in cubase.

i just dont think its possible =\
have you tested for phase accuracy yet? (dont check the raw channel, check with actual plugins inserted)

i can't get drum and drum comp to phase align for the life of me in cubase.

i just dont think its possible =

honestly I havn't yet, but I'm so used to PT that I put the same plugins across ALL channels.

So all the busses have SSL channels and all groups have another compressor on in theory they should all be the same latency...

Now I'm paranoid though hahahaa. I thought cubase had total ADC?
So I've just jumped on the Cubase train, and I was just wondering if some of you could shed some light on your usual template for mixing.

Right now how I have mine setup is as follows:

Drum tracks feed these busses.

Kick Buss
Snare Buss
Snare Crush Buss
Toms Buss
Cymbals Buss
Rooms buss

All of this feeds another 2 groups (drums/drums comp)

My bass tracks feed these busses (I get just a DI most of the time)

Bass clean Buss
Bass Dirty Buss
BAss SUB Buss

All this feeds a Bass group

Rhythm Guitars and NON solo guitars feed a GTR BUSS


Both of those feed a GTRS GROUP.

My vocals feed these busses:

Lead vox BUSS

All these feed a VOCALS GROUP.

Anything else with feed another buss and then feed a group...

So basically the setup goes in this layer system.

Track-Buss-Final Group-Master Fader

I also have 2 Verbs,4 Delays, a chorus, a flanger, and a distortion setup on Fx sends....

Just wanted to know how everyone else is setting there's up....

Similar approch for me (not with same name:lol:)

Now I'm paranoid though hahahaa. I thought cubase had total ADC?

Total ADC doesn't exist imo
yeah i dont think total adc is working, not for all plugins

i tried something as simple as having two drum busses, and one of them compressed, the other not, when i brought them in and out of listen enable mode, it was comb filtering
Yep definitely does not compensate completely as I thought/was lead to believe. It's way better then PT, but still....This is by no means a perfect scientific experiment, but it's still effective....

Here's 1 plugin phased flipped.


And here's when the same plugin is put on both channels and flipped....


So guess I'll still to the way I do things with PT...same plugin on each buss.....:erk:
I do the same track -> group -> final group -> 2bus thing.

Never noticed a problem with paracomping on a group and phase accuracy, actually - it's just never sounded off to me? I could be deaf haha.
I do the same track -> group -> final group -> 2bus thing.

Never noticed a problem with paracomping on a group and phase accuracy, actually - it's just never sounded off to me? I could be deaf haha.

Yeah it'll never be a big deal cause I've always dealt with WAY WORSE in protools. I'll stick to my matching plugins method for now.

So I'm on the right track though with the layout? I just need to figure out a few things with cubase and I'm pretty sure I won't look back (except for editing).
Well, I work a bit less diferently. For example : Snare > Snare Group > Snare Group for Automation > Drum Group > Master

I often have a 'Automation' group', so I can automate the whole group, but if I need to make the whole track louder or softer, I can just turn the other group fader up/down. This way I dont have to mess with automation again.

For FX busses, I have at least 2 or 3 delays (main vocal, guitar leads, and vocal FX), a few verbs (Snare, vocal FX, vocal delay verb, room and one more for whatever is needed) and a couple other things.

When mixing percussion instruments, I ALWAYS have a comp sidechain to the snare on the perc group, so I dont have to deal with percussion and snare fighting for space.

Sometimes i have a MIX group before the master, so I can change levels for the whole mix, for dynamics or if my levels are too hot and clipping the master buss.
have you tested for phase accuracy yet? (dont check the raw channel, check with actual plugins inserted)

i can't get drum and drum comp to phase align for the life of me in cubase.

i just dont think its possible =

yep, that's what I hated about cubase..
even with NO plugin on the track the files weren't in phase.
whenever I tried reamping through two amps (same DI, bi-amping) and combined those amps it sounded like shit...I just thought biamping isn't for me then. until I tried it in PT and found out how it's actually supposed to sound.

I didn't have a single plugin on those amp tracks in cubase, still it didn't sound right/in phase.
hey, this is Plec post, from UAD forums that i saved some time ago:

"When I start anything, a recording, a mix, a mastering project I will always have my basic framework laid out. I think it's a delicate balance between starting a project totally blank and starting it with a lot of the things that tend to work for you. A preset if you may. If totally relying on your project setup you will not be coming up with anything new and interesting whereas if you start blank every time you will need to basically reinvent the wheel just to do the stuff you know works. Like I had this mixing preset that I used to polish like mad that got to the point where I could almost just put an audio file in its appropriate channel and it would be 90% done. Although it sounded good, mixing almost became like accounting and not very much new stuff came about. So after realizing this I started blank again and came up with a new starting point, a starting point that has worked for many people during a number of decades already... a fresh, reset, large format console. #-o

I create this template console from groups/buses alone and audio channels will only enter once files actually get into the project. The virtual console is made up of 24 stereo buses that kind of would correspond to a 48ch mixing desk. In addition to this there are 6 stereo sub mixes and 2 virtual master buses before actually reaching the main output.

01 - KICK
02 - SNARE
03 - TOMS

10 - BASS



19 - KEYS 1
20 - KEYS 2

21 - FX 1
22 - FX 2
23 - FX 3
24 - FX 4

25 - SUB MIX 1
26 - SUB MIX 2
27 - SUB MIX 3
28 - SUB MIX 4
29 - SUB MIX 5
30 - SUB MIX 6

31 - SUB MSTR 1
32 - SUB MSTR 2

I have also made all logical connections for the setup to even work. Like the parallel drum channels already have auxes routed to them from their "clean" counterparts at the correct levels etc so they work like straight copies. All the drum buses get routed to the DRUMS MAIN bus which then has a parallel bus set up and both of those then go off to SUB MIX 1 along with the BASS bus so that they're already setup for any kind of compression adventures if needed. All guitar buses get sent to SUB MIX 2, all the vocals to SUB MIX 3 and then the KEYS and FX buses to SUB MIX 4 which leaves SUB MIX 5 & 6 open to whatever pleasures you might want to indulge yourself in later on. I will also have 8 aux sends going to FX channels that are routed back to buses 21-24 which also acts as open buses for anything really. The sub mixes then all get sent to SUB MSTR 1 which then is routed to the main output. SUB MSTR 2 can act as a parallel to SM1 or if a further split is needed between the different sub mixes it's all set ready to go.

I think it's important that you don't need to think technical while doing a mix. Like when you suddenly notice you didn't create enough buses or you would just like to try a different routing or mix structure and you're not really setup for that purpose already. Nothing can get rid of inspiration and musical brain activity faster than needing to create new channels and setups and waiting for the computer to get everything in line again. So this setup for me takes care of the most complex projects without the need to change things in the middle of a mix (although the option is there of course, unlike on a real console to add new buses/channels when you run out of them...) or just to be as simple as you want. The work flow kind of acts like the bus matrix is the actual console while all the audio tracks created is the DAW and the two are then routed to the same place that being the main mix bus. No actual audio channels are created until the files hit the project, so from there you can go as complex on the "virtual console" as you may like.

Well, hope you weren't bored to death reading this far. :)
Had the same problems on sx3 and cubase 4....also thought parallel comping is shit because of that:)

After switching to logic I finaly learned how great parallel comping can be:)

To make a point:
ADC works great in logic 8 and 9 (on groups and on fx´s)
ADC works like shit on fx´s in cubase, didnt noticed any problems with groups....
yep, that's what I hated about cubase..
even with NO plugin on the track the files weren't in phase.
whenever I tried reamping through two amps (same DI, bi-amping) and combined those amps it sounded like shit...I just thought biamping isn't for me then. until I tried it in PT and found out how it's actually supposed to sound.

I didn't have a single plugin on those amp tracks in cubase, still it didn't sound right/in phase.

+ 1000
Tryed it last weekend with same DI, cab, mic but different head (my recto a a friend 6505) and everything combined sounded like shit:cry:
Can't wait for the PT switch...