Cubase, what plug ins

Well, that kind of depends..

What is your budget? what are you going to do? record bands? record home recordings? would you like sampled drums then?

I would start with some free plugins first like the fish filets first.. if you have the money or access, waves plugins are very popular and great plugins. Im a fan of the ultrafunk sonitus plugins as well, check them out if you can.

There's millions of plugins i can name here, but first you will have tell us a bit more on what you are planning to do..
I plan to start with recording just myself with mostly plug ins. Di guitars and bass. And Ezdrummer. Im after a nevermore type vibe. I am currently using amplituse 2 for guitars but been thinking of getting a pod xt (opinions).

I just can´t resist.
Now I am wondering. That "stupid boy" of this thread could have spent the night (and day) of his life with some girls like Jesse Jane with his £20,000. Actually he could have spent a whole week. Damn.

Stupid kid.
Sorry, off topic.

anyway, check the free plugins from Gvst.
Which version of Cubase do you have? If it's 4 (not Studio) you won't need a Comp/EQ for the start as the built in ones are said to be very good. Maybe look into some Reverb then.