

New Metal Member
Sep 12, 2001
Anyone seen 'Cube'...?

I'm sitting here at my computer watching it, and it's awesome. It's very 'mind-stimulating'.

I've also got PI (the symbol) on my computer, and that's next. I haven't seen that before, what's it like?
I've seen Cube. It is a very good movie. Very intense as well. It really makes you think. I love psychological movies. My brother is very much into them and so i see alot of them.

I have also seen Pi. That one is more confusing for me. I don't like it as much as Cube, but it is still good. If you're looking for movies that are mind stimulating, then you have to go to my brothers web page, which is all about movies like that, that are psychological.
Sign his guest book too.

oh yah, his site has stuff about both of the movies you mentioned. If those kinds of movies are your thing, his site is definitely for you. He also loves Nevermore(he got me into them) so in the section about him on the site, there's something about the bands he likes.

Well, I hope his site helps you in finding more mvies like Pi and Cube. I suggest In The Mouth of Madness and Jacobs Ladder.
Cool, thanks for the link Ecstatic Youth (playing with fire..??)

Yeah, i've seen 'Jacob's ladder', that was pretty good too.

Cube is one of my favourite movies. Most people seem to have a problem witht he fact that you aren't told 'why' they are in the cube, but i beleive that it adds to it, it starts you wondering about it...
I liek the hellraiser tye start

PI i have seen , its great especailly the chase, near the end, fucken in your face
Originally posted by Trapped
Most people seem to have a problem witht he fact that you aren't told 'why' they are in the cube, but i beleive that it adds to it, it starts you wondering about it...

Most people like everything in a movie to be resolved, packaged up in a nice, neat little package, and crammed down their throats. More intelligent people like it when they have to figure it out for themselves. I like some of both. Haven't seen Cube, but "Memento" and "The Spanish Prisoner" spring to mind. If you wanna see a movie that is really weird and totally unresolved, see "The Minus Man". Owen Wilson is a serial killer; very bizarre movie.
Yeah, that's what i love about movies; when you AREN'T given the full story, and you may come up with a conclusion that is totally different to someone elses...

I think that an introduction to WHY they were in 'the cube' was a deliberate omittion, it adds to the overall feel of disorientation when the 'Cheese-grater' guy wakes up.

It's the same with 'Silence of the lambs', it was a very psychological movie, where they didn't show you EVER single detail, and DIDN'T show you the full circle of events.

--This is what i HATE about 'Hannibal', they show you every single fucking thing, every murder, and everything...