Current Dying Fetus concert


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Feb 9, 2003
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Has anyone gone to or are planning to go see the current Dying Fetus/Skinless/Misery Index/Divine Empire tour?

If anyone has seen it, what is the setlist like?

I am gonna be attending the August 14 Houston show, any other Houston fans here?
Dang, I just now heard about it...I'll have to see...I doubt it though at this short of have to tell your parents way in advacne when you're only 16 :Smug:
Can't go.....I have band practice that night...grrr....DF is like one of my fav. bands! And Skinless has John Longstreth of Origin! Dang! Im missing so much!!! :yell:
MAN! I'm going to see them with some of my highschool mates in Toronto August 22nd. It's going to be a blast. Can't wait to see Dying Fetus but I never knew Misery Index and Divine Empire are coming also.
C-Taylor said:
I'm sure a band practise can wait for a good concert ;)
Dang, I wish I could get out of it that easily! But I'm a stupid section leader for the drums and I'd get in trouble.....dang, though...I'm missing so much!:erk:
Yes you will be missing very much, (In addition to Dying Fetus you will also be missing, as mentioned above, Ex-Origin Drummer John Longstreth, although he doesn't play to his full ability in Skinless)

And Failing Acension, are your parents the type that monitor what you listen to or something?
Haha....Well, they like to hear what CDs I buy but then they don't really care what it is. I mean, not to say they like all my Death Metal, but sometimes I like to listen to Origin when I ride with them somewhere and they suffer through it. :lol:
And luckily I got to catch John when he was still with Origin when they were on tour with Nile! I consider myself very lucky for that!
MEtallica ofmotherfucking course!!!

Heres my other favs

Dark tranquility, Soilwork, inflames, blind guardian, iced earth, lacuna coil, nevermore, my dying bride, rearview mirror, tool, manditory, led zepplin, nightwish the list is never ending my bruthas
lmao.....yea a band that sings fucking epics. From hit the lights to all within my hands and everything inbetween. To a band that sings ::arghkerplunkarghdiekermitdie:: you got some fucked up taste bro. Ahh but what do you expect. You probably wear eye shadow and have a pentagram necklace. Fucking poseur!
You let yourself be so easily open to be ripped to shreds, but I'll wait for someone who can do it better and make it more entertaining for the rest of us!:)
Any takers? 'Comon! Perfect oppertunity!
AllWithinMyMonster said:
lmao.....yea a band that sings fucking epics. From hit the lights to all within my hands and everything inbetween. To a band that sings ::arghkerplunkarghdiekermitdie:: you got some fucked up taste bro. Ahh but what do you expect. You probably wear eye shadow and have a pentagram necklace. Fucking poseur!

Congratulations. You crossed the line from being ignorant to being an asshole, and left yourself open to flaming, but I'll try to not do too much and be nice. TRY. To respond to your first thing, in case you haven't figured it out yet, metal is more about the MUSIC than the vocals. Apparently you haven't figured that out, yet. Oh, and question, if you listen to death metal like Dark Tranquility, why in the FUCK does the vocalist from Dying Fetus sound so terrible to you? As for Metallica singing "epics" like the ones you claimed, that is what Metallica use to sing. Do you actually like their newest piece of shit album? I know some people do, but come on, you act like they're still the old Metallica that put out Ride The Lightning and Kill 'Em All, they aren't. They've long sold out, and are no good any more. As for the band singing "arghkerplunkarghdiekermitdie" I have another question. Do you believe that they "sing" about shit like that because you can't understand them? If you'd actually do your research you'd see that they have some fairly intelligent lyrics. So will you please shut the fuck up if your going to be so ignorant? If you don't believe me, I'll show you some of the lyrics. Oh, and if you don't like the band, fine, but when you talk shit about everyone that does, then there is a problem, so please, if you don't like the band, just say it, don't insult everyone that does.

Oh, if anyone else would like to debate with me, I'd be willing to debate in a less...."harsh" fashion. :)
Not bad at all!:) And I'd also like to point out how much better the musicians from Dying Fetus are than Metallica. No comparison really. And I just really hate lars ulrich for being so crappy and thinking he's so good.