Current Dying Fetus concert

The only reason why your not crying is that everyone else on this shit board listens to shit music. So your amongst your peers little man. Wtf is up with those bands mang? All of them sound like cacophony. Vox that pierce my ear drums full of horrendous sound. Lucky for me im listening to turn the page right now. See this is fucking real tunes my brutha love!!!! Shit that you can understand and relate to. Here i am on the road again? Yup i can relate to that. "Eating giblets and fucking cadavers" Uhh i dont think so. You need help my child. You need to go seek out dr frasier krane and ask for advice. Your music is horrible. Do you listen to it to cope with your lonliness? Go listen to metallica man youll fucking learn something. You really will bro. Dont worry one day youll learn. Then youll be like. Why was i such a rebellious teenager? Why didnt i discover this music sooner? So open up your heart and smile my main man., The worlds a great place. Get yourself out of your hole! No need for anger. No need for your suffering man. Im here if you need someone to talk to. If your sexually frustrated. Its ok. Youll get laid someday. You get picked on in school? Take karate. You have trouble with yyour parents? Dont worry youll be 18 soon. Move out., You must make your breaks in life my brutha! Get out of your rut! But always remember one thing. We here at Were here for you!!!!!
Before I bother answering your rantings, quit calling me your boy, brutha, nigsta, etc. and quit using those gay ebonics!
I'm in no rut either...haha...I'm 3rd in my class and work (key word there) hard to make $75 a day, for starters...
Wow, AllWithinMyMonster is madly in anger with all of us. Alright, to start off Metallica has very little musical credibility to start with. They completey ripped their sound from Venom (a much superior band). On another note, Metallica will NEVER be half the musicians that Dying Fetus are. Then again, just saying that you like Disturbed and Drowning Pool throws any chance of you having anything meaningful to say out the door. Noone wants you here you mainstreem cunt. You throw around arbitrary insults like "fag" and then refer to everyone as your "brutha". Noone here is your "brutha". Also, you should really take an english course, because you have butchered the english language (in the real world, we end sentences with periods).
AllWithinMyMonster said:
fallingASScention stfu peterboy! Listen close folks and fanboys of thy crapdom! You guys are all a bunch of cancor sores on humanity who think listening to grindcore makes you unique! No it just makes u look stupid with horrible taste in music! Do you actually feel anything when u listen to dying gibletS? Shit you have to read the booklet just to know wtf their saying. The lyrics are unintelligible! How fucking skilled you must be to growl as if your taking a shit after eating from a burrito truck. Gimme a break nigstas! I read the post in this forum about bands u hate the most. Half people say metallica. None of you fuckers would be listening to your shit bands if it wasnt for the 4 horsemen who paved the way for the bands! Shit we all know an album from one of the big 4 got you into metal. So pay fucking homage assholes. You are the same idiots who think inflames sold out with r2r because their what. Using clean vox! Fucking idiots! Go suck my giblet and lick my end trails you sons of beeches!

Oh're about as good at flaming as Metallica is at playing metal.
You wouldn't want to look (God forbid) Like an INTELLECTUAL in front of all these people, would you now?
...and how truly convincing can you be if you're incapable of properly typing out the English language?
Okay. So Metallica USED to be a semi-decent thrash band. Get over it.
The Four Horsemen is fucking cheesy.
Lars lacks the intellectual capacity to differentiate between metal and idiocy. James is a fucking hick. Kirk's a blatent homosexual (That constantly whines about losing his wah-wah pedal). Their new bassist is a gorilla.
You wouldn't know metal if it shoved it's spiked gauntlet-adorned arm up your ass. Now please...go kill yourself. I'm already sick of your pathetic existence.
Blade Golem said:
I did, and responded.:)

Your such a fucking posuer caubricmaulder whatever your mongoloid name is. I can give a shit about mainsteam, underground, or anything inbetween. Whatever sounds good to me is what i listen to! Note "sounds good to me" Me being the keyword. Not you! Metallica owns the fucking free world beyotch. :) Your so worried about liking bands that no one fucking has heard of so you can create and image for yourself infront of your peers! You fagathons are to preoccupied in insulting and shitting on everyone elses music, rather that enjoying your own. You guys take metal way to serious. Get the sticks out of your asses. Im so sick of arguing about what bands are good and bad. I already know whats good dip shit., You cant change my mind. Dying fetus are horrid musicians! Whats their best musical display? Ill download it for a good fucking chuckle or two. Venom are european heebs! Fuck those fogeys! Metallica owns all. Im done responding to your threads! Fuck this entire board! And shove your red bulls up your arse!
AllWithinMyMonster said:
Your such a fucking posuer caubricmaulder whatever your mongoloid name is. I can give a shit about mainsteam, underground, or anything inbetween. Whatever sounds good to me is what i listen to! Note "sounds good to me" Me being the keyword. Not you! Metallica owns the fucking free world beyotch. :) Your so worried about liking bands that no one fucking has heard of so you can create and image for yourself infront of your peers! You fagathons are to preoccupied in insulting and shitting on everyone elses music, rather that enjoying your own. You guys take metal way to serious. Get the sticks out of your asses. Im so sick of arguing about what bands are good and bad. I already know whats good dip shit., You cant change my mind. Dying fetus are horrid musicians! Whats their best musical display? Ill download it for a good fucking chuckle or two. Venom are european heebs! Fuck those fogeys! Metallica owns all. Im done responding to your threads! Fuck this entire board! And shove your red bulls up your arse!

Now, now, AllWithinMyMonster....
No need to have a little temper-tantrum.

You're starting to make up words as though you were George Bush. I believe I must correct you in a few areas:

Metallica owns all

No Metallica THINKS they own all. Even the E and F chords. What's next? The chromatic and pentatonic scales? Poor little Kirk's wah wah pedal?
Dying fetus are horrid musicians!

Dying Fetus has a couple of things Metallica doesn't have:
1. Insight
2. The ability to play their instruments.

Dying Fetus (unlike a lot of other bands in it's genre) is lyrically creative. (political Death Metal if you will.)

Metallica will continually go around prancing with their sloppy power-chorded bullshit, unoriginal H.P. Lovecraft-influenced lyrics and Lars' INTENSE (grrrrrr) drumming

You're starting to sicken me with all your antics. You should be ashamed for adorning yourself with that "Master of Puppets" avatar.

If you truly think that WE take metal too seriously, you should probably stay out of metal before you get your ass kicked (not necessarily by me....but by someone, regardless)

Oh...and his name is Cherubic Murder.

Cherubic (She-roo-bik) - Angelic: Having to do with angels.
Murder (merr-derr) - The act of homocide
first off fagzilla. The e and f chord debacle was a fucking hoax you ginny! Do you believe ever fucking thing you read on the internet? Hey guys i was fair. This hour i went to and dled some dying fetus. This band is actually not as bad as i thought!! THEYRE FUCKING WORSE!!!!!!!!!!1 This shit music? Lyrics? What lyrics? Shouldnt lyrics be heard? All i hear i s a guy singing as though hes garglung a bottle of listerine! Rob trujillo owns you pussie fucks. Oh look at me my name is angel murder. Im fucking a tough guy! (on the internet) your not about shit putocabra! You guys are just lonlely teenage kids who listen to shit music and want to get laid, but your too ugly, or too dirty, or too fucking awkward to get a girlfriend. Dying fetus lives up to their name. They sound like a dying fucking fetus! You arsesniffers act like you listen to real metal. Its noise pollution man. Give it a fucking rest! I can care less what dying fetus lyrics are. Their lyrics are not in their music but on a piece of paper. Shit they can be singing about baking a cake and you wouldnt even know! How can u fucking tell?!?! Kill their singer and do instrumentals and theyde be mediocre at best! Suckle me beyotches!
Music is all about taste. I hate most of Metallica's songs, but I love "The Call Of The Ktulu", "Motorbreath" and "For Whom The Bell Tolls". Yes. I, and many with me, prefer bands like Emperor, Borknagar, Enslaved, Gehenna, Arcturus, Darkthrone, Cryptopsy, Nile, Dying Fetus, etc. Accept that!

AllWithinMyMonster, you need to realize that the fact that YOU don't like a certain band, doesn't mean that the band sucks. You also need to realize that calling people "arsesniffers" and "beyotches" makes you look, how shall I put it - unintelligent?

And - why do you think that people that listen to bands like Dying Fetus are lowlifes, loners, losers, etc? You sound like a freakin jock when you say shit like that. People may listen to the music because of - God forbid - the music's sake!
AllWithinMyMonster said:
first off fagzilla. The e and f chord debacle was a fucking hoax you ginny! Do you believe ever fucking thing you read on the internet? Hey guys i was fair. This hour i went to and dled some dying fetus. This band is actually not as bad as i thought!! THEYRE FUCKING WORSE!!!!!!!!!!1 This shit music? Lyrics? What lyrics? Shouldnt lyrics be heard? All i hear i s a guy singing as though hes garglung a bottle of listerine! Rob trujillo owns you pussie fucks. Oh look at me my name is angel murder. Im fucking a tough guy! (on the internet) your not about shit putocabra! You guys are just lonlely teenage kids who listen to shit music and want to get laid, but your too ugly, or too dirty, or too fucking awkward to get a girlfriend. Dying fetus lives up to their name. They sound like a dying fucking fetus! You arsesniffers act like you listen to real metal. Its noise pollution man. Give it a fucking rest! I can care less what dying fetus lyrics are. Their lyrics are not in their music but on a piece of paper. Shit they can be singing about baking a cake and you wouldnt even know! How can u fucking tell?!?! Kill their singer and do instrumentals and theyde be mediocre at best! Suckle me beyotches!'re a moron.

A hopeless jest of the human existence.
Quickly...go kill yourself!
Don't'll infect the earth.

Go now.... :wave: byebye
henrikmain said:
AllWithinMyMonster, you need to realize that the fact that YOU don't like a certain band, doesn't mean that the band sucks. You also need to realize that calling people "arsesniffers" and "beyotches" makes you look, how shall I put it - unintelligent?

And - why do you think that people that listen to bands like Dying Fetus are lowlifes, loners, losers, etc? You sound like a freakin jock when you say shit like that. People may listen to the music because of - God forbid - the music's sake!
He's right, Emperyan Asphyxiation is a HUGE chick magnet.:wave: And I've got so many girlfriends is not even funny.:hotjump:

If you're going to attempt to insult us, at least try and do it with some grounds for it. Maybe a little evidence? Why insult on something that you could obviously have no clue about?

And, AllWithinMyMonster, you can't speak Spanish very well, can you?