Your such a fucking posuer caubricmaulder whatever your mongoloid name is. I can give a shit about mainsteam, underground, or anything inbetween. Whatever sounds good to me is what i listen to! Note "sounds good to me" Me being the keyword. Not you! Metallica owns the fucking free world beyotch.

Your so worried about liking bands that no one fucking has heard of so you can create and image for yourself infront of your peers! You fagathons are to preoccupied in insulting and shitting on everyone elses music, rather that enjoying your own. You guys take metal way to serious. Get the sticks out of your asses. Im so sick of arguing about what bands are good and bad. I already know whats good dip shit., You cant change my mind. Dying fetus are horrid musicians! Whats their best musical display? Ill download it for a good fucking chuckle or two. Venom are european heebs! Fuck those fogeys! Metallica owns all. Im done responding to your threads! Fuck this entire board! And shove your red bulls up your arse!