Current State of Underground U.S. Metal

Just listened to Heart of Akamon. A truly exceptional record indeed, a rousing blend of tradition and vindictive calls to awaken to the grim reality of our time, carried by impressive musicianship that navigates the specter of extreme metal basics in an effortless way and feels legitimate in every last one of its ventures into epic/melodic territory.

Blitzkrieg purchase ensued
Just listened to Heart of Akamon. A truly exceptional record indeed, a rousing blend of tradition and vindictive calls to awaken to the grim reality of our time, carried by impressive musicianship that navigates the specter of extreme metal basics in an effortless way and feels legitimate in every last one of its ventures into epic/melodic territory.

Blitzkrieg purchase ensued

This is probably the greatest album review that I have ever read
In my quest to find worthy new underground US death metal, I came upon House of Atreus, which, according to reviews, is Arghoslent without the racism.

the best part is, while searching for reviews I came upon this gem:

skip straight to the comments section. anyone recognize the first commentator?

Finally listened to these twats after hearing their named mentioned a dozen times over. Riffage slays, though could use some flawed genome. :flame:

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It's hard to say. I'm just overwhelmed with black metal right now. Probably the first time that happened since I discovered the Hellas bands.

Nechochwen, Obsequiae, Alda, Mare Cognitum and the new Macabre Omen are just knocks out of the park.
so this album is another absolute fucking 10/10 home-run for the USA.

Horrendous - Old School/Melodic Death Metal - "Anareta"

their 2014 album Ecdysis is equally outstanding -

Also please listen to some very unique and engrossing prog/sludge/melodic black/death metal from CT. This album took me by surprise, its shockingly good. I get an old skepticism, damage done-era dark tranquillity, or islands-era King Crimson sort of vibe. great vocals and exceptional drumming, interesting guitar work.

Protolith - "Dark"

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i'll end up buying those horrendous albums sooner or later.

ive found Akhlys - The Dreaming I to be an interesting take on black metal.

Oak Pantheon and Amiensus are two good bands worth checking out. i got this split for a $3

some riff-heavy melodic black/death

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I will listen to these, but I've gotta say that Oak Pantheon is a horrible band name. I mean, we get it that you like Agalloch, but you couldn't choose a different name?
About a minute in, holy fuck talk about plagiarizing. I hope Haughm and Co. receive some royalties from this split.

Pre Edit - Vox kicked in, fuck this shit. Sorry Jeff, you're usually on point. But this blows.

Digging the fuck out of Protolith, nice find.