Currently working on: CANDLEMASS + AS I LAY DYING Album tracks


Super Rad Member
Dec 13, 2005
I am confused....does this mean he is working on 2 projects at once or a colaboration.

Is As I lay dying already doing another album?
I just noticed As I Lay Dying is re-releasing there old stuff.....I am guessing this is what Andy is up to....
Here's an interesting quick story from yesterday:

I don't really listen to As I lay Dying but I'm on the BART train, going to work and I hear the dude next to me, total high school pinner, you know what kind I'm talking about, anyway the guy is listening to some pretty heavy stuff coming out of his headphones. And I'm sitting here going, God damn, that sounds like an Andy Sneap snare. And it's like a 20 minute commute mind you, so I'm trying to listen (don't forget it's hella loud on the train), and I'm like getting frusterated because I can't put my finger on who this band is. And the more I hear it the more I'm sure, "dude that HAS to be Andy."

So as I get off the train at my stop, I take a quick look at this dude, and he's completely draped in As I lay Dying gear. Shoulda known!